We grew the plant by accident, and while the usual harvest is just a handful at a time, they taste really fresh and great.

Edit: Thanks for the attention to this post. There’s a lot of insistence that these are jalapenos and not bell peppers. They are in fact bell peppers, for the following reasons:

  1. They’re sweet and not spicy.
  2. Jalapenos tend to have a more elongated shape.
  3. Green jalapenos tend to have a much brighter color.

I’m also in Southeast Asia so our pepper varieties are different.

Hope this helps!

  • @Big_Boss_77
    32 months ago

    What you do is rough chop your jalapeños, put them in a Mason jar, cover them in honey (to about half, just enough to coat them all) then add a fermentation weight. After about 10 minutes or so the air bubbles will work out and then fill your jar. Cover with a cloth, fermentation lid, or regular lid (just make sure you burp it every day or so), and put it in a cool, dry place for a month or so. Test at that point and make sure there’s no mold. If no mold, you’re good. The longer you set, the more heat you get.

    It’s fantastic, goes great on pizza, bbq, anything where you need to cut some fatty/greasy flavors.

    Edit: here’s a set of instructions to follow
