Cats, dogs, bears, owls, weasels. Most of them could seriously injure/kill an average human with minor difficulty and yet we find them adorable?

Does not compute.

  • ArtieShaw
    21 month ago

    What’s funny is that I also think I’m on the spectrum.

    And to continue the conversation - my husband and I have been talking about visiting a South American country this summer where roasted guinea pig is on the menu. I honestly think I could give it a try even though I try to save any mice that my cats corner.

    Food choices are both weird and personal. I’ll always respect that.

    • anon6789
      21 month ago

      Think of it as a small rabbit rather than a large mouse!

      Not many eat rabbits these days, but it’s long been thought of as human food compared to most other rodents.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      Yeah I could eat guinea pig. At a pinch.

      I read once that all mammal flesh is roughly indistinguishable in texture and taste. Yes, including humans. Chimps think nothing of chowing on monkeys. The reality is that we’re all extremely close cousins.

      It’s basically all just culture, as you say. Enjoy your guinea-pig stew.