Let’s say we’re at a place where personal AI is a thing. You can have it speak with any voice from any person in history or any media without any copyright issues or the like. Who would you want to voice yours?
I’m going to go with a classic, Majel Barratt. When I think of AI, how we use it now and how we could use it in the future, the Computer voice in Star Trek TNG - Voyager seems like a perfect fit.
I can see the VA for Wheatly as my personal AI.
Stephen Merchant
That voice was an inspired choice in Pacific Rim too
Mr. T
Classic! Fools will be pitied.
Shohreh Aghdashlo is definitely my first pick.
Mine as well, and I thought I was being so original before I started reading the answers!
Shohreh would be pretty awesome, though I’d prefer to sprinkle some Quarian voice modulation in there as well.
- Christopher Walken
- Morgan Freeman
- Denzel Washington
- Bruce Willis
- Bobcat Goldthwait (he’s gotta do the voice tho)
Edit: bonus points if the AI is a little sassy.
It’s likely that most people think of themselves as a should-use-Morgan-Freeman-voice kind of person, when in reality they are a deserves-only-Bobcat-Goldthwait-voice kind of person.
A sassy Morgan Freeman voice is the perfect option for me as well😋
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I also would want my own voice. It would have to be how my voice sounds in my own head though, not how it sounds in recordings
I’d probably have it switch itself daily as well as the personality if possible.
I don’t need to be attached to a computer person, I’m already addicted to social media enough. Besides, it sounds fun to meet a new “person” everyday.
This is literally the project I’m working on. I have mine voiced as my husbando Impey Barbicane from Code Realize. Though I’m thinking of training a tts on some youtuber voices that I like.
Lance Reddick (Daniels in The Wire, Commander Zavala in Destiny).
“I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that” - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Who wouldn’t want the first murdering AI as their personal assistant?
Majel Barratt is a great shout - I’d probably go for Data or Picard though :). Or maybe Holly from Red Dwarf?
Oo good choice. Which Holly though, Norman or Hatty?
A great question. Probably Norman just so he can randomly say “What’s happening, dudes?”, but Hattie had some pretty good lines too, she could bang her head on the screen to count things.
The rehabilitation nurse from Frasier played Holly too, in the short-lived US adaptation of Red Dwarf. Seemed like a good fit for her.
Or it will depend on situation - in the morning Queeg wold wake you up, and Holly will read you random facts before going to bed.
Especially, “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that”
No one has yet mentioned GlaDOS (a robotized Ellen McLain) or Christopher Lee.
Either would be good.
My mom, if it wants me to do things /s
I want to be commanded by Klaus-Dieter Klebsch (example).
Though for everyday life a smoother voice would be nice, like Janet Varney maybe?
I would give anything to have Jonathan Van Ness flamboyantly guide me through the day.
It sounds like Sir David Attenborough and it makes a lot of double entendres.