I’m not your buddy, pal!
Not your pal, bucko…
not your bucko, buster
I’m not your buster guy!
I’m not your guy, friend!
¿Qué coño acabas de decir de mí, putita? Te haré saber que me gradué el primero de mi clase en los Navy Seals, y he participado en numerosas incursiones secretas contra Al-Quaeda, y tengo más de 300 muertes confirmadas.
- “Whoa. OK. So…”
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White girl version
0) Killdozer
School shooting
You can’t lump all white people together. This seems like a very specific cultural reference, possibly somewhere in America, and it absolutely does not apply to all white people and cultures just based on their skin color.
This son of a gun is mad.
Yes, and the same could be said of any “all black people” or “all Asian people” joke. The important thing to remember is that it’s just a joke with no real bearing on reality.
Kinda sounds like you’re saying “all Black people” and “all Asian people” jokes are harmless.
Kinda sounds like you’re looking for a fight. I’ll pass.
Newsflash pal: I wasn’t, but it probably would have turned into one, so good call. Thanks. I guess I should consider when stepping into a discussion with a stranger and leading with disagreement, that it’s starting an argument and should only be done if it’s important.
Fuck me in the ass… That’s reasonable! That’s some goddamn reasonable shit!
Well now, wait just a minute…
I’m with you. Whoever wrote this joke has met astonishingly few people as far as I can see.
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I think this is pretty accurate, if you’re only going by dialogue in 1950s Hollywood movies.
What a load of malarckey
So is this in increasing or decreasing order?
White American*
You just hold your horses, we don’t all talk like that.
I read this as LEVELS OF WHITE RANGER and honestly… still works.
As a southerner…this is right on
JBP is always at a five then?
Newsflash pal is above all