Is gnome claiming to be older than kde? 'cause it isn’t. Gnome was started because decades ago, the license for the qt library used by kde wasn’t quite open enough.
i interpreted it as the user’s first DE was gnome :)
Yeah, that would work.
CDE (common desktop environment) was proprietary afaik. Crazy times
It was. I think I used CDE very briefly on some Sun workstations back around the kde 1.x times. But lowly undergrads mostly got ttys and not X terminals.
I remember this and hate that I do.
It’s been made by someone born after both Kde and Gnome is my take.
Let the chant begin
KDE! KDE! KDE! Death to foot fetish Death to mice Death to everybody who dont rice
Upvoted for the limerick.
You have been banned by Red Hat’s management
Isn’t fedora switching to KDE default?
That would be a major miracle. Like, Jesus walking on water level.
Hey man… Don’t break the dreams of a little child
No, there’s a proposal, but hasn’t been accepted afaik
How do I support it?
work at red hat or become fedora maintainer
KDE Plasma. It works for me, and it has enough features so that I can adapt it to my workflow as my workflow changes.
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Mind the version of the wiki you’re using. It follows git by default, but you’re most likely using 0.38.0.
Stay in the kitchen where you belong, trash.
i love cinnamon.
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It is if it’s me
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i3, not for any smart reason, just bc it was the first tiling wm that i used, and i dont have a reason to switch
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Or Hyprland :>
Exactly the same reason i used it, prior to moving to sway with the switch to Wayland
After Plasma 6 released I prefer KDE over Gnome every day, I found that Plasma 5 was too messy, inconsistent and unintuitive even if Gnome was lacking in functionality. Even then I decided to move to i3 “just because” and now I’m transitioning to Sway. So far I think Sway is my favorite.
MHH interesting. I honestly haven’t really given kde a fair shot since KDE4 maybe I need to force myself to use Plasma 6. Gnome has really gotten on my nerves lately. But I also know that on Plasma I will mostly recreate my gnome experience (Super key, hot corner …) since these are so ingrained in me from over a decade of using gnome.
KDE4 was a mess, and it annoys me when people that haven’t used it since 4 shit on KDE as “buggy”. Plasma has been fixing so many things since and 6 has done the upgrade to QT6 for future proofing, but it’s a bit buggier than late 5.
Give it a try, but you’re going to have to wait in more stable distros like Ubuntu and Fedora since they don’t have it out yet. If you wanted to try it in Fedora, the Nobara spin uses the latest 6. Otherwise, Arch and a few other more cutting edge distros are running it, like maybe OpenSuse Tumbleweed.
As far as my experience goes, Gnome workspaces and workflow is still more intuitive and simple. But Plasma 6 workflows has integrated modes where it can work the same if not very similar to Gnome. So in that regard Plasma has been taking notes and bringing all the good things from Gnome.
KDE was first.
I feel like the “desktop environment” is a Faustian bargain. You get a plateload of software that looks consistent, but none of it is best of breed.
I can recall being a bit wowed by the original KDE 1.0 betas on my old 486, when Konqueror was the file manager as much as the browser, but in the end it felt like thry were trying to recreate the experience you got wth the pack-in software of Windows 95.
And **** GNOME for really pushing the client-side decorations model. I configured my window manager to put the title bar and close button where I want it, thank you.
Gnome. I’m a Mac refugee from a decade ago. I’ve been using gnome with dash2dock and dash2panel together to make a sudo Mac os.
Do you mean pseudo?
Lol yeah I’m dumb and tired
“sudo MacOS” sounds like a legit way to describe “gnome+ubuntu”
(mint cinnamon)
sway is the way.
This is the Sway
I ended a 30-years Windows streak BECAUSE of KDE Plasma 6 (among other reasons)
Hyprland for now, but I’ll probably switch to COSMIC, once it’s available on NixOS