Does anyone else use the android app Connect for Lemmy? It reminds me of Infinity for Reddit. If you use it, do you like it better than Jerboa? I also found another new Lemmy app called Liftoff.
Connect for Lemmy:
Worth noting that the Jerboa app pushed a major update today and it’s massively improved. Definitely suggest giving it another try after today, it feels like an entirely new app.
I’ll be honest, don’t notice many changes? Feels and looks the same to me.
The entire UI got a refresh. There’s an actual search button now too.
Jerboa has been very buggy for me the last few days: account switching doesn’t work, jerboa ignores my settings for what feeds to load at default, randomly losing my accounts and crashing.
I tried Connect and didn’t like its UI. The PWA isn’t very useful as the feed reloads from the top when I back out of a post by swiping from the edge.
Jerboa has been worse for me since the update. It won’t follow my feed or sorting selections.
Literally here on connect from Jerboa because today’s update has caused it to stop sorting anything, at all. The only view it will give me is Local by Hot, no matter how many times I try to change to Subscribed or All.
Tbh, Connect isn’t vibing with me yet eithet, but I’ll play with the settings before I decide it’s not right for me.
Didn’t notice anything different. In fact, I can’t change to “All” anymore (coincidence?). That’s why I’m exploring Connect right now.
All is definitely still there. Not sure the issue on your side.
Jerboa won’t even let me log in, says server is too outdated :(
There were big api change with lemmy 0.18 which the updated jerboa is compatible with. The instance you were trying to log into is outdated.