Tongue firmly planted in cheek, of course :P
Image Transcription: Reddit Comments
Thanks, @[email protected]
Is there an alternative to reddit, like reddit was to digg?
I’d like to see a p2p version of reddit. That would help to keep it out of the hands of corporations. I for one live having a well organized site, but hate being at the mercy of a bunch of people in a board room.
I think that could open a whole different can of worms, depending on the implementation. I’m not sure how I would feel about my connection being used to route traffic for subreddits with questionable/borderline illegal/copyrighted content, for example. It would just offload some potential legal problems from the site’s admins to its users.
My thought was that you could build it a bit like XMPP, where individual servers can choose to federate with others, and provide a system where a user of one server can use his identity three on all federated servers. Think of it as having a “home” sub that talks to others in a web of connected subreddits, all of which honor the user identities of other connected subreddits.
You should make another prediction now for what social networks will be like in another 7 years
In the distant future of 2030, social networking between the scattered bands of surviving humans will be facilitated by ham operators bouncing packet radio off the few remaining satellite repeaters, and importing the responses they receive into their clan’s scavenged network via FidoNet.
!RemindMe 7 years
ham operators
Imagine all the spam, though.
c/dadjokes is leaking !
it was a good one though.
Cq cq cq this is callsign. Anyone around
Uh, shitty?
That’s what it is in three days.
For the most part, we’re already there. Fediverse is the only saving grace.
Image Transcription: Reddit Comments
Is there an alternative to reddit, like reddit was to digg?
I’d like to see a p2p version of reddit. That would help to keep it out of the hands of corporations. I for one live having a well organized site, but hate being at the mercy of a bunch of people in a board room.
I think that could open a whole different can of worms, depending on the implementation. I’m not sure how I would feel about my connection being used to route traffic for subreddits with questionable/borderline illegal/copyrighted content, for example. It would just offload some potential legal problems from the site’s admins to its users.
My thought was that you could build it a bit like XMPP, where individual servers can choose to federate with others, and provide a system where a user of one server can use his identity three on all federated servers. Think of it as having a “home” sub that talks to others in a web of connected subreddits, all of which honor the user identities of other connected subreddits.
I’m a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!
good bot
Didn’t think i’d miss those dumb bots, but i kinda do
Shakespearean bot always came through at the worst possible times to make me laugh, like it would almost intentionally pick posts that were heated and finally cooled off only for it to come in for the punchline.
the unit conversion bot was a nice QoL feature on the technical subs I tended to hang out on.
Shitty Unit Conversion Bot was good for a laugh too.
is there a Transcribers of the Fediverse community starting or are you just doing this to set an example? I love both options, just wondering if I should join the group or jump on in to participate.
There’s not one yet, but i got permission from the mods at r/TranscribersOfReddit to use their tenplates as long as we change the footer.
I would love to start a community on lemmy for transcriptions, i’m just on a smaller instance.
I just did a quick check of communities and no one has made one yet (so I made one). I posted on [email protected] to see if we should move it there and created a community on
Thanks for this
You are awesome!
Not sure how you do this, but one way to speedup things is for example using something like iOS’ scan text from image feature. Of course, it needs some additional formatting but at least you don’t have to type all of the text.
I’ll have to look into something similar, currently I’m transcribing on Windows.
Edit: Also, it forces me to pick a language to respond to you. Is that normal?
I’m not sure how the language setting works when replying but afaik just leave it on english and everything should be fine. I’m sure there are tools for windows to automagically detect text in photos, maybe even Google has something to offer.
Now this should be a bot.
Yet another comment capitalist trying to take people’s jobs away! Think of the children, sir!
Thank you!
Thanks for doing this – do you mind if I copy/paste into the post body for posterity?
Of course! Whatever we can do to make lemmy more accessible.
sir i need nest year’s lottery numbers :P
i need nest year’s lottery numbers
You can do this yourself! Just ask the Google, “<year your egg hatched> lottery numbers” 👍
That last part though. The fact that identity isn’t federated sucks.
There’s been proposals already, and i even think at least one (the Zot protocol thingie) already integrates with ActivityPub (faintly recall reading it at some point last week but could be wrong), but none of that is currently integrated in any way with any Fedi service. So i hope this is done in the not too far future, would rock to create an identity and use it on any Fedi service without needing to create an account on each instance.
I think it would be very difficult on different service, but possibile on different instances of the same service
I just got mine too! 61.8MB zip file. Wow, haha.
I have 220,009 total karma (129,621 from comments) and people would see that and say things like, “Wow, you must make some clever posts!” or, “You’re really popular!” and I’m like, “Well… I have a lot to say…”
Interesting Stats
I made 13,168 comments starting at
2012-09-02 02:04:53 UTC
(almost 11 years ago but my cake day is May 1st, 2011). That’s ~3.34 comments/day (since I moved from lurking to commenting) with an average karma per comment at ~9.82.I made 633 posts for an average post karma of 164.57.
Hopefully I’ll be able to bring this level of engagement to the Fediverse! 👍
Conversely, Reddit has lost one of its top 0.1% power users that writes the types of comments that end up in Google listings when people search for, “ <whatever>”.
Who TF cares‽ That’s exactly the type of undemocratic bullshit that the Fediverse doesn’t need.
That’s the thing, though, right? I was nowhere near as prolific as you, and just going from Reddit stats I’m in the top .1% of active users. Reddit can talk all they want about how few users are going to be affected by third party apps shutting down, but they have a particularly lopsided distribution in terms of engagement and the people they’re shutting out are all the ones on the high end of that distribution. A billion lurkers does not a community make.
I used to abandon accts every year or so. If I remembered them I would request them all.
Hail to Thrashy the inventor! Commemorate his memory by holding your poop for the promised period
I’ll be like that guy who claimed to invent email!
Which stocks should I buy? Is his bump cancer?
The bump is probably Peyronie’s disease
His name is Robert Pawlson!
Gratitude Nostradamus
Damn. You’re e streets ahead
I wish I was more tech savvy to have the foresight for future tech applications. I’m already a dev damnit but I can usually only focus on the now or the immediate future.
How widespread was the concept of federation is the beforetimes of 2016?
Wow you invented the fediverse and you didn’t even know it!
And he got 2 karma for it. Bargain.
Well really that’s one karma since the first point is his and doesn’t count.
It’s good to know that the infinitesimally semantic species, technicalis specifcus has also migrated from Reddit 👍
That’s uncanny. How did you get it so close?
EDIT: Actually not close, bang on!
Only got two points because you made their heads hurt. ;)
Must be nice. Reddit banned my 11 year old account a couple weeks ago lmao.