In this video I show off some different Lemmy instances and discuss why the lemmyverse and even some individual Lemmy instances can become a better alternative to Reddit.
I dunno how the community collectively feels about Mental Outlaw in sum, but there’s content of his that has its way of piquing my interests. He just put up a video showcasing Lemmy, some instances, and the mechanics/interactions between them. Probably old news for many of us, but I think it’s always pretty cool to see Lemmy get its mention.
Beehaw specifically got its mention through the video and he briefly touches on Beehaw’s defederation from I’m pretty confident he disagrees with the decision, but his opinion and description of things struck me as balanced and respectable enough. I’d wager that a more precise description of the intrigue would likely take as much time as the video itself.
Any thoughts on Mental Outlaw’s coverage of either Lemmy in sum or Beehaw? Anyone else seen creators they keep their eyes on give mention of Lemmy?
I don’t really know what I think of him. I have never heard him say anything bad but he feels like an alternate Luke Smith which gives me bad vibes.
His content is pretty good, though. I have discovered some neat stuff through him which I am grateful for
Same for me. I really don’t like his praising of crypto.
He’s actually only praising Monero
Yep. But ‘don’t invest in crypto, except for this crypto currency i own’ is what a lot of crypto folks say. So I’m always cautious when hearing this.
If you see crypto as an investment, you shouldn’t use crypto, imho.
I really miss that brief moment around the start when it seemed thought of as an alternate currency with its own benefits and drawbacks rather than an outright investment. I’d like to think that with crypto gradually exiting the light as popular grifting vehicle of the time, we’ll gradually return to that more grounded outlook of it.
Hopefully at least, but admittedly I’m not holding my breath 🫠.
I think when people say don’t invest in crypto, but if you need a transactional digital currency you can use monero. Those are different things.
You shouldn’t buy Monero if you think of it as investment. It’s probably the only crypto currency that is actually used as a currency.
It’s actually not possible to say anything else. If you think something is great of course you are going to buy it
What wrong with it?