If you’ve got any book suggestions then reply to this comment with them and whatever gets the most invites would be the book club book of the month, I guess.
I will literally never tire of recommending “A Classless Society” by [ahem cough mumble idk just google it]
Historical summary of British history in the 1990s - hugely interesting to me, having lived through it, to see a higher-level analysis of what was going on, not to mention finding out a bunch of stuff that I’d either forgotten or missed at the time by being too busy with Airfix kits or scrumping apples in the golden dusk or whatever it was we did for fun back then.
Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth.
But What Can I Do? By Alistair Campbell.
I choose to believe that Campbell deliberately selected that title to give everyone who hears it a Corrs earworm.
Owen Jones:
- Chavs
- The Establishment
It’s like you summed up his worldview in two simple bullet points :D
Currently working my way through ‘The Social Distance Between Us’ by Darren Mcgarvey.