• @[email protected]
    325 months ago

    Eww it smells like Tankie in here.

    I fail to see how “Taxing the Rich” is the same as “Taxbreaks for the Rich” but I don’t feel the need to defend myself to people who shill for Putin.

    • Patapon Enjoyer
      65 months ago

      Now this is a Certified Mark Fisher Capitalist Realism moment if I ever saw one.

      • @[email protected]
        135 months ago

        Hi, I’m a Libertarian Socialist. I think it’s extremely damaging to act as though there’s little difference between progressive liberals and conservative liberals. Whether we like it or not, in America progressive liberals are our allies against fascism. Furthermore, the less bigoted conservatives are our allies against more bigoted conservatives. Being in favor of the police is bad. Being in favor of corporations is bad. Liberals believe and do so many bad things that it’s disgusting. But y’know what’s worse than having stupid ideas on tax policy? Shutting down the right to protest, killing minorities, and making it illegal to be trans. Don’t pretend they’re equally as bad; people are getting tired of it for good reasons.

        • Patapon Enjoyer
          5 months ago

          Whether we like it or not, in America progressive liberals are our allies against fascism

          That’s funny, cause the “progressive liberals” in the US put a fascist dictatorship in charge of my country.

          And what’s even more funny is that it doesn’t even narrow it down to a continent.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            I’m sorry to hear that, but I have no way of verifying what you claim. Furthermore, it doesn’t change the calculations because I can’t think of a sufficiently contrived way for putting a conservative liberal or an out-and-out fascist in the place of the progressives could have possibly made the situation better.

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          I think it’s extremely damaging to act as though there’s little difference between progressive liberals and conservative liberals.

          These two groups wouldn’t be in the same political party if we used Ranked Choice voting or something similar.

  • @[email protected]
    316 months ago

    Liberals and conservatives are different in ways that matter A LOT to liberals and conservatives. The differences don’t matter nearly as much to leftists, which pisses off liberals to no end.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Does it matter to them? There’s a whole demographic of morons that act like the differences aren’t clear as day. That a “left leaning” person would even consider voting R in 2024 is a horrific joke.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        Some leftists view the US as the last of the old empires, built on violent conquest, genocide, exploitation, and stolen land. They would say that the world cannot progress so long as the United States exists, and they might vote R precisely because they think if R is in power it will accelerate the collapse of the US empire.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Some leftists view the US as the last of the old empires, built on violent conquest, genocide, exploitation, and stolen land. They would say that the world cannot progress so long as the United States exists, and they might vote R precisely because they think if R is in power it will accelerate the collapse of the US empire. are the dumbest fuckers you will ever meet.


        • archomrade [he/him]
          76 months ago

          This might be true, but it’s a little tangential: leftists just don’t have a horse in the race. From a dialectical materialist perspective, neither party/candidate is substantially different. They are also quite aware and are resentful of the electoral strategies of the R/D divide that manufactures crisis around social disagreements instead of addressing the increasingly distressed working class conditions. They are well aware of the ‘threats’ posed by the R side, but they regard them as intentionally overblown and even somewhat encouraged by the D’s who are increasingly desperate not to address materialist issues for fear of loosing the support of capital.

          Basically: they think the desperation of the democratic party is a bit of schadenfreude for enabling the R party and the orange cheto man to begin with, and they think the D’s need to feel a bit of electoral pain in order to come around on issues that are more central to leftist concerns.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            Any leftist that doesn’t have a horse in the race is a fool and probably a queerphobe to boot.

            Genocide against trans people is not a “social disagreement” and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot.

            • archomrade [he/him]
              25 months ago

              I hate to break this to you but the assault against trans people has already been happening and the Biden administration dgaf about it


              This is such a weird hill to die on as a biden supporter because he’s quite famously catholic and has repeatedly flip-flopped on civil rights -gay marriage, integration, police reform, and abortion being prime examples. If libs never press the issue with him he will simply never do anything about it.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                I think it’s incredibly telling that your own source doesn’t support your argument.

                Setting that aside, your argument is terrible because even if Biden doesn’t care about trans people, I’d prefer that to someone who hates them. This both-sides argument is dogshit.

                Edit: when I replied, I missed the video and thought it was an incredibly short article. I’m not watching a long video.

                • archomrade [he/him]
                  25 months ago

                  Edit: when I replied, I missed the video and thought it was an incredibly short article. I’m not watching a long video.

                  Well then do me a favor and hold your tongue next time you get the urge to accuse someone of being a bigot or a queerphobe, because you clearly don’t give a fuck yourself.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            This might be true, but it’s a little tangential

            It probably is, and what you describe is probably more representative of what most leftists think about liberal/conservative politics, but I don’t think that matters much to liberals. I don’t think liberals care whether you are an R voting accelorationist leftist or a leftist who doesn’t engage out of indifference. The liberals see both actions as essentially helping the Republicans, which is an unthinkable crime, in their minds. It’s just two different groups with two different ideologies; ideologies that each group believes are mutually exclusive.

            • @[email protected]
              66 months ago

              which is an unthinkable crime, in their minds

              Is that even up for debate? Republicans want to genocide trans people. Why is it even a question about who to support.

              • Patapon Enjoyer
                5 months ago

                Just a stupid thing: You could have been using that word like that on purpose for effect, which is fine, but just in case; They want to annihilate trans people, possibly eugenicize trans people, but you can’t commit genocide on trans people cause it’s not an ethnic group or nation.

                Sorry, I had to get that out of my system or I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

            • archomrade [he/him]
              16 months ago

              Yea, no argument there. I just think people accuse leftists as being ‘accelerationist’ as a way to paint them as ‘just as bad’ as republicans, or worse-than since they acknowledge the damage being done but are actively rooting for it instead of being indifferent or in denial as a republican voter might be.

              There are certainly leftists that fit that description, but I think it’s just a convenient way for some to dismiss them as crazies.

        • @dmMeYourNudes
          46 months ago

          I don’t see any significant number of people doing this. That would be like demolishing a condemned building while you’re standing in it. Yeah it probably should come down, but there are still people inside.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              I think it’s more than half, but whatever the number the remaining few are fools without exception.

      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        That it is you. At this point, you should know unless people are right about you acting like you don’t understand.

          • @[email protected]
            66 months ago

            Not my first interaction with them. I don’t think they are sarcastic. They like to act oblivious to what people call them out on. You can say they just like to be sarcastic in these situations but then they have to accept that people form their opinion based on their continuous sarcastically stated expressions and not their honest opinion. I take them by their word, because I have no reason to be generous anymore.

            • @[email protected]OP
              66 months ago

              Have a little fun before you die, it passes the time. You think I don’t know I’m old and out of touch?

              People seem to think they’ve discovered this revelation that I hadn’t discovered decades ago. These are just electrons being displayed on a screen with 1’s and 0’s , treat them as such.

              The real revelations come from introspection, not recognizing the faults in others. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

              • @[email protected]
                26 months ago

                You can do both. Identify problems in others and in yourself. Especially great, finding problems (because it is easier due to cognitive biases) and then asking yourself if you carry the same flaws.

                I treat the 1’s and 0’s as what they are in this context: Encoded information.

                It is not about being out of touch though. Being out of touch doesn’t make you post random political memes “without understand their meaning”. It makes you fail at understanding their meaning… Maybe… Sometimes but not posting them.

                Lastly thanks for wishing me fun, I have it, don’t worry.

    • mozz
      46 months ago

      I know when I think of boomers, I think “probably likes to express opinions in favor of China / North Korea, and that voting for Democrats isn’t worthwhile, and a steady flow of memes they find on meme pages, and not much else aside from those three categories of things.” You know… boomer stuff.

  • @[email protected]
    135 months ago

    Anyone that isn’t immediately on board with getting rid of First Past The Post voting should be highly suspect. Why do blue states still use First Past The Post voting? Why are you so afraid of democracy Democrat’s?

    No, I don’t need to type a 100,000 word essay on how Republicans are worse then democrats.

  • @[email protected]
    95 months ago

    The difference is that the liberal and the conservative will always combine forces to destroy the leftists when possible.

  • @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    I honestly think liberals and conversatives aren’t the same. Their motivations are fundamentally different but for whatever reason a lot of liberals are also conversatives as they are afraid of changes as those changes makes it less predictable and predictability is important when talking about liberties as there isn’t really any liberty in random events. At the same time, a lot of people are culturally conversatives even in left wing circles. So you got a lot of liberals who are afraid of change (especially because it is a threat to their portfolio) who think that e.g. women and men were equal by law anyway and companies should be allowed to promote whoever and if they are men, they are men. LIBERTY!!! The wife should stay at home but that is tradition and fits in their “liberty”. Now you might wonder how is a conversative different? Not at all in action but they don’t really care about liberty but about tradition and safety.

    BUT down the line, if conversative fall into their favorite little fascist hole, liberals will be fighting conversatives because now they are affected.

    • Ech
      96 months ago

      basically liberal comes from neoliberal

      The exact opposite, actually. Why are you spreading this bs?

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        what is it then? are liberals not free market capitalists?

        isnt that precisely what the meme is about?

        • Ech
          46 months ago

          You’re comment has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It’s just some weird attempt to suggest that liberalism never existed before neoliberals, and further is just another word for the latter. A basic understanding of grammar is enough to understand that is complete nonsense.

            • Ech
              56 months ago

              Yes, you did.

              basically liberal comes from neoliberal

              The word neoliberal comes from the word liberal, not the other way around. A small hint is the prefix “neo” (meaning “new” or “modified”) attached to the word “liberal”, which already existed.

                • @[email protected]
                  6 months ago

                  No. What YOU guys (non Americans) call liberals are essentially neoliberals.

                  Liberals in America are a very different political ideology than in Europe. Liberals in America believe in strong regulation, powerful government, and broad freedoms for individuals while increasing both taxation and government services. They want to rein in free-market capitalism.

                  Trolls on lemmy LOVE to exploit he nearly opposite meanings of the terms to try to convince low-info people like you that the bad guys and the good guys are actually the same.

                • Ech
                  6 months ago

                  Your opinion doesn’t change how words work or where they came from.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              If English isn’t your first language, then I recommend you don’t try to tell native English speakers how their own words work.

              “Liberal comes from neoliberal” is just wrong.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                except i wasnt talking about words?

                us liberals are neoliberals

                also i can speak this shitty language whichever way i feel like i want to tyvm