Far right one.
On a side note they all have a look of "I hope they don’t shoot us before we can escape ".
Either 1 or 4
One has the weirdest/kinkiest bathing suit, and the sultriest look, 4 looks the most exotic.
Third from left to right
4 is looking at me off frame. ;)
Removed by mod
Haley Pandolfi, Nicole Brooks, Athena Smith, Kayin Quinn
None of their belly buttons look right, first off. Far left, especially, and second from left to a lesser extent, have fucked up hands; second from left’s left hand and third from left’s right hand are also impossibly identical in skin tone, to the extent that they appear conjoined even though depth perception would otherwise suggest that that’s impossible. The inside of third from left’s left thigh forms a bizarre, unrealistic looking crease for no obvious reason. Far right has what looks like a cameltoe, except that it’s barely inside of her left thigh as opposed to being centered on the middle of her crotch. I’m calling it; this is AI. It has to be.
Third from left’s left hand is partially phased out of existence.
4 please. Drain me