The fact that you can’t see how vile and threatening your statement is tells us all we need to know about you anti-abortion monsters and why we need to re-legalize the practice.
If murder is illegal, why do you support it? The women dying in childbirth are U.S. citizens, their unborn children are not. That’s way closer to murder than abortion, homie. I would also love to see your defense for why victims of rape need to carry an abuser’s child to term, but I’m sure you never thought that far because your logic stopped at “durr just don’t get pregnant!” If only your kind wasn’t also incredibly opposed to birth control, as well.
I never said that Republicans care about life. Just that abortion is wrong. Pro-life means caring for someone their entire life, including after birth and all the way until death.
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The fact that you can’t see how vile and threatening your statement is tells us all we need to know about you anti-abortion monsters and why we need to re-legalize the practice.
Don’t feed the trolls
Oh I’m not talking to him, I’m talking about him to everyone else. Troll or not, those words need to be said. I blocked him anyway so it’s whatever
If murder is illegal, why do you support it? The women dying in childbirth are U.S. citizens, their unborn children are not. That’s way closer to murder than abortion, homie. I would also love to see your defense for why victims of rape need to carry an abuser’s child to term, but I’m sure you never thought that far because your logic stopped at “durr just don’t get pregnant!” If only your kind wasn’t also incredibly opposed to birth control, as well.
Since when do only American lives matter?
Lives don’t matter to you at all.
abortion isn’t
Yeah 'cus getting prego will kiilll your sex life lol.
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If it’s an actual baby why doesn’t a pregnant woman get to claim it on her taxes?
Because the states, including Republicans, don’t see it as a baby either
And once it’s born, they don’t see it as a person worth protecting
I never said that Republicans care about life. Just that abortion is wrong. Pro-life means caring for someone their entire life, including after birth and all the way until death.