Taking advantage of people in weaker positions of power, from being rude to a waiter to abusing a disabled person. They all make me dislike the person immediately and will likely cut them out of my life as soon as possible.
When they say they are Republican. Or touch on Republican talking points promoting hate, sexism, racism, and/or ignorance in general.
Same with people who call themselves centerists, but hate everything slightly left and cheer for everything right wing. Like when the Charlottesville protests happened, and my centerist friend (not friends anymore) was defending people chanting Nazi stuff and attacking the counterprotesters.
In my experience, “centrists” are often just right-wingers who smoke weed.
Heh, that used to be the joke about libertarians, back before half the libertarians turned out to be white-supremacists and joined up with the alt-right, and the other half said “holy shit, the right wing is really bad for actual people’s actual liberty.”
Back in 2008 I thought Ron Paul might be an okay guy … yeah, no, it turned out not only that he was a neoconfederate racist piece of shit, but that libertarian mainstays like Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell had been in on it all along.
Quite a lot of what passed for “libertarianism” turned out to be a fraud to get the potheads, Deadheads, perverts, and hackers to join up with the far right. Fuck that.
My old boss claimed to be a libertarian.
He would always rant and rave about the government overstepping and forcing people to get the vaccine and wear masks (which never happened, but okay) and then in the next sentence would praise the folks in power who wanted to ban abortions.
Like… motherfucker, at least be consistent!
He also scoffed at me because “must be nice to get government money during the pandemic just for having a kid.” I got like 300$. That shithead gladly got a massive business bailout and just smugly read shitty articles and conspiracy theories from with Facebook Q group at work instead of doing his job.
(Don’t take this too seriously. This is a rant and I only believe about ¾ of it, but I’m not sure which ¾.)
Libertarianism at various times became a political home for —
- patriotic white American kids who had been taught lies about slavery, Reconstruction, and American history generally;
- science-fiction nerds looking to derive human society from first principles, like Asimov’s Hari Seldon, and yet end up with a system that would accommodate Heinlein’s Jubal Harshaw;
- philosophers of economics who wanted a laboratory to experiment with their free-market theories, from Nozick to the Friedmans (Milton et seq.);
- passionate and doctrinaire anticommunists following Ayn Rand (though she hated the term “libertarian”);
- outright neoconfederates and white-supremacists, like Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul;
- post-hippie engineers looking for a safe space to sell lots of porn and High Weirdness on the Internet.
Over time, history beats philosophy. The libertarian movement fragmented. Part of it leaned into white-supremacist patriotic pisscrap and joined up with the alt-right. Part of it got woke and teamed up with the feminists, BLMs, queers, and other progressives — but only so long as it’s okay to vape weed, look at porn, and argue about the legitimacy of sex work. Part of it dug into economics and techno-weirdness and morphed into the cryptocurrency bros. Other bits vanished up the asses of the atheist movement, the open-source movement, or other specific issue-driven groups.
After Bush II and Trump, there’s no redeeming the Republican Party. It doesn’t even have big-business capitalism or national security on its side anymore. The Bush-era fratboy MBAs hollowed it out and left it to be taken over by the Putinist-Trumpists.
The Democrats are now the party of big business; the Dow is up 17% since Joe Biden took office. The Republicans have become instead the party of hate groups, child-molesters, and thieves — losers who have nothing to offer the nation but rape, murder, and suffering.
Littering and smokin the reefer!
I’m tripping balls, man!
You ARE tripping balls mmaannnn
“…creating a nuisance” and they all came back and we had a grand old time talking about crime, mother-raping, father-stabbing, and the all the groovy things we was talking about on the bench.
Every Thanksgiving, without fail.
Blasting music/videos on their shitty phone speaker in public. If you really don’t have headphones, at least turn it down or hold the speaker closer to your ear so you’re not just annoying everyone in a 10-meter radius.
I’m ASD and use music to cope …if i don’t have headphones in public, i don’t play music because that’s how it fucking works
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not sure what asd is but thanks for not making everyone else listen to your music tastes
(im sure ur music taste is fine but too many people listen to bad rap)
ASD = Autistic spectrum disorder.
But yeah, social contract. I don’t make you listen to my music, you don’t make me listen to yours. Simples.
If your music is playing in public, you have bad taste in music.
Telling me I should forgive/contact my abusive exfamily. Especially after knowing me for less than 30 mins and them not at all.
“But family is so important!” You go talk to them then, or go fuck yourself, IDC.
There have been many instances when I’ve told someone how crazy people in my family are, and then even if they believed me, after they met them they’re like “OMG I had no idea it was that bad.”
You have to know that there are some extremely shitty people in the world. Sometimes, those people are someone’s family.
Yeah. And when you really know next to nothing about the situation maybe let the people who’ve been dealing with it for literally all their lives decide.
Casually using racial slurs.
Or any slurs, right?
Good point
People who leave their dog’s shit on in the ground, or bag it up and leave it hanging in a tree
And people who leave their dogs outside all the time. It’s hot out there for them too.
- Harassing homeless people.
- Hurting animals.
- Bullying
- Bringing politics into a conversation that wasn’t already about politics
Sounds like communism to me…
“It’s just a prank bro”-people. I already hate it when someone finds it hilarious to hurt others, but if those same “pranksters” then also act all indignant and percieve themselves as victims of prejudice when other people do NOT find their “pranks” funny, they can GTFO.
I have a bit of a weakness for pranks gone wrong. I’d probably spend more time watching videos of it if I didn’t know that most of them were fake. But there’s just something about that reversal of who is in control and dictating how the events will proceed that is delicious to my soul.
Being disrespectful to other people because someone think they have mundane jobs.
This one for me. Having a service job doesn’t make you a slave ffs. You can really read a person’s character when you see how they treat those that are less than. I’d also add animals to that list but that’s just my personal axe to grind.
I was always annoyed by the idiots on reddit who would constantly try to tell me that I should be judging someone based on their job for my dating preferences.
last person I talked to on there about that tried to assume that I would never date someone who worked in a grocery store because I make more than $60k a year. I definitely have dated someone who worked in a grocery store with my salary cause I don’t give a fuck where someone works. Jobs are just that, jobs. People have them because they have to. Why on earth would you judge someone for doing something they are practically forced to fucking do.
If they treat others bad. Such as waitresses, their friends & family, co-workers etc.
Instantly no respect, zero tolerance.
There’s the obvious “if you’re a homophobe, transphobe, racist, abelist” etc etc etc. Like obviously that makes me lose respect for people.
But I think if you judge someone for doing something that you deem “weird”. I used to so that until I learned that like, hey we’re all fucking weird. Who cares.
Lack of curiosity.
Leaving carts outside the corrals at the store. Failing to signal. Actually a lot of car or car adjacent behaviors. All of which go back to “my immediate convenience is more important than being a conscientious member of the society I live in with other people.”
It’s the lack of awareness that gets me. You’re operating a 2+ ton vehicle at speeds significantly faster than humans can reach by themselves, amongst a group of other people doing the same, and you figure it’s okay to be unpredictable?
Unfortunately that’s not something you can really test for, that blasé attitude towards interacting with traffic, since most early drivers are going to be on their best behavior, and this is developed after years of getting away with it (or NOT but somehow still doing it?).
I’m all for people having to retake drivers tests- like once a year. You wanna keep driving? Better prove you can keep doing it.
While I definitely agree that routine checkups like that should be happening (and especially for people who just got their licenses or are 60+) at least for a car dominant culture like the US I can see that being a huge burden both on safety organizations/DMVs and on the drivers themselves. :/
oh lol I don’t give a fuck about it being a burden for someone. My job is burden too but I still have to do it.
yeah, carbrains are so often impatient and inconsiderate.
Two things,
- They are a young earth creationist.
- They think Trump can do nothing wrong.
No flat earthers? They are even dumber than the young earthers imo.