Something that I started seeing more and more on social media ( in reddit more than other social media websites) is that 2 people would argue and then a person would just state the other person political affliation and finish the discussion stating that he should be correct because of that.

The more I read the more I think that every idea should be studied as it could be correct.

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    Sure everybody has something to say but it is usually the ignorant fool that has to say it the loudest.

  • @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    True, but not everything everyone says is worthy. There are a lot of thoughtless opinions bandied about and you shouldn’t assume that everything deserves to be listened to.

  • @[email protected]
    19 months ago

    It’s statistically near impossible for someone to be wrong about literally everything so while the people I don’t respect might have views that are valid in the grand scheme of things that still doesn’t mean that I have to value their opinion on it. You can be right about something accidently or for the wrong reasons. If a person has demonstrated their incapability to logical reasoning then I’m not obligated to pay attention to them in hopes that they might make sense about something.

  • Neuromancer
    19 months ago

    Discussions are important. The internet is more about catch phrases and downvoting.

    Each side has pro-cons and in a functional government the suds would take the pros from each side to compromise.