holy fuck man i really wish I hadn’t clicked on that hn thread.
Classic mistake
certainly the man is due respect
How about no?
Also - using soylent, oculus and crypto to paint Andreesen as a bad investor (0 for 3 as he says) is a weird take. Come on - do better if your going to try and take my time.
Reading comprehension is hard. The article actually says “Zero for three when it comes to picking useful inventions to reorder life as we know it, that is to say, though at no apparent cost to his power or net worth.” It’s saying he’s a good investor in the sense of making money, but a bad investor in the sense of picking investments that change the world. Rather telling that the commenter can’t seem to distinguish between the two.
Good article, excited for part 2.
In addition to being a wonderful article, as a bonus I learned the phrase l’esprit d’escalier (and various other forms from wikipedia) and found out that Mr. Andreesen has a small version of the snoopy in a blender sculpture in his yard, which is just amazing.
JWZ weighs in, the comments are pretty good reading
long thread, examplars with shiny boots
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nah, the article is better than that
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yeah, no. it’s a takedown that isaac chotiner would be proud of.
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