I’ve been very busy with work the last few months so I haven’t really played any games, but things are finally starting to get back to normal a bit and I wanted to try this RPG. I played it a bit when it came out but decided to really dive into it this time. Just wondering if there’s anyone here who’s played it and has any advice? I’ve had the game spoiled for me already so don’t worry about spoilers.
The game’s maps are like walled areas of differing sizes so don’t expect open world or a sandbox. The cities are also walled and they differ in size so be prepared for that. I remember being disappointed with one city that’s built up and getting to it and finding out it’s about the same size as some others and there wasn’t much side content or exploration. The game’s writing is great and I think there’s various endings but I only played it once. There isn’t any romance with the companions but they’re well written l, there’s one in particular whose storyline I really appreciated as a queer person. Hope that isn’t a deal breaker for you as some Gamers have issues with things like that.
Overall I enjoyed it, just never felt like I needed to replay it like a Bethesda game, I play those once and do the things I want in it and move on.
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Duly noted. Appreciate it
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I wouldn’t rush it and go through every region on the planets with care so you pick up all missions, meet all the NPC’s as the game has several outcomes from the choices you make.
I’ve only put a little bit of time into it but so far I’m enjoying it. I’ll be taking my time for sure, and trying to do a bunch of side quests
I must confess I rushed the first playthrough and was not happy with the outcome. Second playthrough with DLC and paying attention was satisfying. I am looking out for Outer Worlds 2 which is in the making.
I’ve been guilty of the same with other games. I’ve gotta make a conscious effort to take my time, which I’ll definitely be doing with this one
Nope, enjoy, I think you’ll have more fun just starting it. Just jump right into it and have fun.
I had so much fun playing the game. I actually played it a second time directly after finishing it, which I almost never do because I really wanted to see how it changed if I made a different major decision or two and I had so much fun playing it the first time and then just as much fun the second time.
I always see this game on sale for like $9 or something and I do not understand why, it’s a great game
It’s been a while but I remember liking the DLC more than the base game. If you own it you might want to give it a try.
I do in fact own the dlc. I don’t know anything about it though, but I’ll definitely be giving it a try
This is one of the few games out there where a low intelligence opens up new “stupid” dialogue. Highly recommend trying it out!
Oh that sounds fun. Definitely going to have to try that
Defnitely worth it, some awesome nuggets of dialogue in there. Im so glad that Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky (the original creators of Fallout who also made this game) decided to bring that mechanic into Outer Worlds.
It’s very fun and Pavarti’s story is incredibly sweet. Don’t get too caught up in looting every little item; you’re never gonna need it
Review I put together a while ago.
I agree with pretty much everything. I liked the combat a little more, but dad life has taken a large bite out of my gaming skills.
I enjoyed Outer Worlds. It’s one of those games I suggest when it’s on sale in the $20 range.
Very well written. Thank you for sharing
Playing this for the first time at the moment. I went into long guns and find them a bit boring now in the mid-game, will try to spec into heavy weapons.
The dialouge is what makes this game for me, so many fun lines and off-kilter characters.
I’ll keep an eye out for heavy weapons, that sounds more fun to me
I love a game with good dialogue, I’ve been putting my points into speech-related stuff so far, looking forward to where it’ll get me
You are my kin. I tried it on Gamepass and brushed it off as boring like 15 mins in. I see all the great reviews and I want to try it again but now it stings to pay $15-25 for it. Enjoy it.
I found this game incredibly boring and dull. Honestly, play something else.
Please report back and let us know what you think! I got a used copy recently but haven’t tried it yet.
I put a little bit of time into it last night. Haven’t done a whole lot yet but I like it so far! Definitely feels like fallout in space, at least so far, which is great
Ohh that sounds like a ton of fun! Thank you!
I hope you like it if you give it a shot!
Closest thing we’ll ever get to Firefly: The Game.
Enjoyed the atmosphere, the dialogue, the music and the feel of the weapons when they are being fired.
Loved Ellie and Parvati as companions. Parvati’s story is so goddamned sweet and is the emotional heart of the game in my opinion.
Ellie is a redhead, so she’s automatically awesome.
I liked the kid, bit don’t remember his name. Kind of generic and forgettable.
Nyoka has great dialogue during fight scenes, but again, kind of forgettable and her side quest was boring. But the voice actor did a great job with her.
The priest is a twat and I’ve literally never picked him up again on any new play through.
In conclusion, hella’ fun, but not open enough for more than two or three playthroughs. Once you’ve explored all the options, there’s not much to do anymore.
Pretty forgettable Fallout clone imo. Would just play that.
Or, if you’re like me and accidentally bought The Outer Worlds because you thought it was The Outer Wilds, go play that instead.
Speech is op. If you want a boring game max that and you can just walk through every trial
I usually play RPGs with a speech character either the first or second time around. I’m trying it with this character. Hopefully it won’t be too boring
I’ve played it off GamePass a few times since it was released.
Is it a great game? Not at all. Is it entertaining? Yes.
The characters are all a little odd in different ways, making it interesting to try different combos for parties, depending on what you think you might be running into.
I told myself that I was going to spend more time with my other companions but I almost always have Parvati with me.
Depending on how you build your character initially, you’ll find that you’ll want different companions for different tasks. That means some backtracking but there is some fast travel and I know I’ll miss loot at times, so it’s usually worth it.
Definitely not open world but that’s okay if you don’t have hours to spend wandering down a track only to find some BS loot.
Dialogue options do make a difference and that is what kept me going back. All the “I wonder what’ll happen if I …” is fun to explore.
Again, the customer is always right - in matters of style and taste.