• @[email protected]
        142 months ago

        From the WKCR website:

        Our website is experiencing intermittent outages due to an excess of connections (over 13k). The best way to listen to WKCR is by tuning in on FM radio at 89.9 if you’re in the New York Metro area.

        The second best way is to click this link: https://wkcr.streamguys1.com/live.m3u. This link will download a file that will enable you to listen to our live broadcast on your device’s default media player (i.e. your computer’s Music app).

  • @[email protected]
    712 months ago

    I love Americas commitment to free speech and the right to protest until it becomes inconvenient

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I’d argue effective protest should be met with resistance. How else would it be civil disobedience if you werent disobeying anyone?

      Think of Charlottesville. Now that was not a protest where I appreciated the message but can you name any of the 1000 white nationalist marches since?

      The difference being the counter protests brought more attention to the movement.

      Think of the pussy hat protests.

      Huge protests but pretty unremarkable in retrospect. Yes they followed the rules and got permitting etc. etc. At the end of the day though they went home and settled in.

      Jan 6th is another example.

      BLM was all encompassing at the time of its inception. The timing on that whole movement was very unfortunate. The end of the day people saw them as riots and not protests. Which was completely the media’s fault.

    • @[email protected]
      282 months ago

      The NYPD’s third favorite thing after playing Candy Crush on the job and harassing minorities is escalating protestors into violence. Keep a cool head if you’re out there!

  • @[email protected]
    452 months ago

    “”" Within minutes of the assault on the building, Columbia University officials said they had no choice but to request police intervention.

    “We regret that protesters have chosen to escalate the situation through their actions,” “”"

    The Columbia administration forgetting they have nothing without the students. One person gets yelled at and they clutch their pearls and call the bastards in to beat and arrest peaceful protesters. They are escalating things, not the students.

    Students asking to expunge arrests related to these protests should be putting on their resume they are willing to stand up for their rights and the rights of others without a voice. The university and cops are the ones who should be embarrassed and ashamed.

    • @[email protected]
      102 months ago

      I don’t understand the expungement of records thing. You want to protest against the fascist, capitalist system, but you still want your record clean cause once you’re out of school, you won’t be able to get a corporate job and join the capitalists with a dirty record?

      Protesters and hippies used to I use their record as a badge of honor, now people wanna weekend protest, but have their 9-5 image unaffected

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Never gonna change the world unless you want to actually change and not play along with the system

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            What would you suggest people do, willingly become homeless just so they can say they “didn’t play along?” What are you doing.

            I understand wanting to break free of the system, that’s something I’m working towards myself, but you have to actually be realistic. If you want to make it to shore you still have to keep paddling to keep your head above water.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              The hard core peaceful hippies did become homeless, so they learned how to farm and live communally and sustainably. Some moved to Canada.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              What am I doing? I’m playing along. Once you guys want to stop playing and actually taking heads and making the street run red, I’m there! God I’m just waiting for it.

              But going on the street with a sign on a Saturday and blocking roads isn’t doing shit, if anything it’s making more people hate you and your cause.

              You guys want to actually do something? I’ll build the Gallows, come on, anytime you’re ready.

              • @[email protected]
                122 months ago

                If these protests aren’t doing shit then why is the police state coming down so hard on them recently?

                • @[email protected]
                  12 months ago

                  You haven’t been paying attention if you think police don’t come down on other protesters. You think only pro Palestine protesters get beaten, harassed, arrested and fucked over in America?

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        but you still want your record clean cause once you’re out of school, you won’t be able to get a corporate job

        That’s an assumption you’ve made. Sounds more like protesters don’t want to be charge with a crime that they do not believe that they committed. Unless you consider protesting itself a crime.

      • @DreamDrifter
        22 months ago

        More than that - you’re supposed to fight it in court. Protesting doesn’t do shit, you have to use the system against itself

  • Flying Squid
    372 months ago

    I wonder if Mayor Cop would say the same thing about a police union protest?

  • Alto
    372 months ago

    Yet people still think we don’t live in a police state.

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    You know, this is exactly why the West hates terrorism.

    It works, but doesn’t cost a ton of money.

    If it wasn’t for Hamas attacking Israel, none of these people would care about the continued oppression of Palestinians.

    Fuck zionists.