• @[email protected]
    692 months ago

    We’ve all seen the video of Tom Cotton asking the Singaporean CEO of TikTok Shou Zi Chew if he’s Chinese, right?

    At this point why is anyone taking Tom Cotton seriously?

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      Tom Cotton is the psycho who penned an op-ed urging that the country deploy martial law against BLM protesters. Shit like that is why a specific demographic (Nazis) take him seriously.

  • Flying Squid
    472 months ago

    They can’t be little Gazas. There aren’t a bunch of dead children.

  • @[email protected]OP
    422 months ago

    I believe we are witnessing a fascist takeover and it doesn’t matter who gets elected now.

    • @natural_motions
      212 months ago

      So it seems, establishment dems are dropping the mask now too.

      • @[email protected]OP
        242 months ago

        From the comments:

        Here’s why he’s saying that: the vast majority of US policymakers take money from AIPAC (Biden himself took $11.2M), and these protests scare them because it means that something may change soon and the gravy train may stop. They’re just lashing out because their survival is at stake here. I really hope that a possible outcome from all this is AIPAC AND anyone taking their money is forced to register as foreign agents because that’s EXACTLY what they are: agents working to further the interests of a foreign nation whose national security interests apparently come before ours, hence why we give them money that we don’t have, since we are running a deficit, and our national debt is in the tens of trillions.

        • @natural_motions
          132 months ago

          I know, I was remarking more that both parties are in a zionist frenzy where their rhetoric and behavior is indistinguishable. Look no further than the vote counts on the censorship bill that passed the House.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    It ludicrous that people allow antisemitism to enter this debate and we would do well to remember the cynicism of those who are prepared to weaponise and deploy the slur.

    All you have to do is take any single protestor and look at what they were doing this time last year or the year before .

    They were busy boycotting nestle, or marching for BLM, or facing down the alt right, entirely unconcerned with Israel or Jewish people.

    They have been activated by Israel’s behaviour toward Gaza which is widely condemned by the United Nations and across the world

    • Flying Squid
      272 months ago

      I will keep repeating this because it needs to be repeated: I am Jewish. Being against Israel is not antisemitism. It’s Israel who wants you to think that.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          I suppose that’s my dramatic way of implying the axe is dull, plus I think we’re both referring to different axes. A executioner’s axe, which I was thinking of, was supposed to slice cleanly through the neck.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    And in 36 hours we’ll see the centrists have recalibrated their scales and move rightward yet again. Surely they just need to take one more step to the right before they’ve triangulated Tom Cotton into electoral doom. Republicans would never just take the validation of their messaging as a win and sign to move further right.

    To be clear, this is framed as speculation about the future, but it’s a description of the past. Tom Cotton thinks calling college students pro-Hamas is good politics because centrists accommodated and shadowed their previous messaging. The Josh Gottheimers of the world will continually sabotage the party to play centrist and if he’s not made a pariah by the rest of the party calling it abhorrent, he gets to define what “the Democrats” are in the media.

    Example: “Scoop: Democrats turn up the heat on Columbia University

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Tom Cotton is a disgusting cesspool of hate. Vile might be his middle name. The shit this guy has spewed from his mouth over the years.