So for anyone who calls their partners honourifics and or pet names, what are some you’d suggest? I have 49 partners and I’m starting to run out of actual pet names. Now I just normally figure out their hobbies in another language and piece together something. Though I’ll add a list of names already taken below! Also thank you for any help.

Master (Lady) Daddy (Male) Alpha/senpai (Lady) Mommy (Lady) Teddy bear (Lady) King (Male) Puppy (Male) Pebble (Lady) Sire (Male) Angel (Male) Goddess (Lady) Flower (Lady aka my slave wife one of my three queens) Toy (Male) Bug (Lady) Rose (Male) Queen (Lady) Boss (Male) Ocki (Male) Whore (Male) Slave (Lady) Star (Lady) Doll (Lady) Cub (Lady) Kit (Lady) Molly (Lady) Void (Male) Shadow (Lady) Raven (Lady) Fire (Male) Nixie (Male) Pup (Male) Pyre (Lady) Mor (Lady) Isä (Male) Lom (Male) Bear (Male) Lord (Male) Villman (Male) Sjøengel (Lady) Fae (Queen 😫) Farget Kunstner (thinking of changing) (Lady) Grønn Lek (Male) Høst (Male) Vinge (Male) Sjefens Valp (Male) Sjef (Male) Mord (Lady)

Then two I don’t have a name picked for yet.

    • @[email protected]OP
      310 months ago

      I’m asking if anyone knows other honourifics or pet names to call people. I mean you did read the first sentence or two I’d think?

    • @[email protected]OP
      10 months ago

      All the names are honourifics or pet names I came up with. So I was wondering does anyone have any more common pet names I’ve missed or forgotten about that could come in handy.

      Also why does it seem like on this app no one can understand a question or just can’t read. 😅🤣

        • @[email protected]OP
          210 months ago

          I mean yeah that may work for some ppl but it’s just their opinions. Though I don’t understand the downvotes like do people hate relationships so much.

  • @morphballganon
    510 months ago

    49 partners?

    Huge gang bangs or something?

    I don’t think they all need unique nicknames. Just use some generic terms like babe, doll, lover, cutie etc.

    • @[email protected]OP
      110 months ago

      Hahahaaa sometimes when I get too horny 🤣😭 though normally nah. It’s just a closed poly where everyone’s with everyone. Also I see what you mean yeah. Though normally it’s only what I call them by but Lover would totally work! As Doll’s already taken by my Boss’s Mother 😅 (btw they have no relationship as they’re related lol but hot Milf.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Pains me that the closest analogue I have experience with is what to call my children besides their names, although thankfully the girls are aged far apart enough that the older one fell into “child” as her preferred nickname from me.

    Not “pain” as in pity or disgust for either situation, just discomfort with the proximity of two decidedly distinct situations, although when it comes to whatever the Duggars came up with, I’m judging, and harshly.

    Oh, and I think the effort and creativity you’ve put into this is cute as fuck. Never change.

    • @[email protected]OP
      210 months ago

      That’s more than understandable I know for sure some people are better than me at names so for lots of ppl it doesn’t come up as much though thank you!