Oblivion remade in the Skyrim engine. Thats our goal. With our planned 2025 release date we’re showcasing gameplay systems, a part of the world map, a new city, Ayleid dungeons and much more.
Despite our progress, we can’t do this alone: we hope with your support to finish the final steps in completing Skyblivion. Does that sound like something you can do? Then please visit our website to apply: https://www.skyblivion.com/volunteer/
If you are a fan of the project and you want to help any other way please share our video where you can, you might just reach someone that will help us finish this monster of a project sooner.
Content creators and journalists can visit this link for screenshots, logo’s and general information about the project: https://skyblivion.com/press-kit/
Thank you for all the love and support ~Your Skyblivion Team
Website: https://skyblivion.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TESRSkyblivion
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tesrskyblivion
DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/skyblivion
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyblivion/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Skyblivion/
VOLUNTEER: https://www.skyblivion.com/volunteer/
For behind the scenes development streams check out our Twitch team: https://www.twitch.tv/team/theadventurers
Video production by @HeavyBurns @SgtGimlinho
Voice Narrating by Ryan Cooper
Download The Skyblivion Lockpicking mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117184
Subtitle credits:
Ivoire Crasfali - French
Vic Volkihar - Spanish
Ariel Rasim - Japanse
Moyrainee - German
Dohlihn - Italian
Oblivion remade in the Skyrim engine. Thats our goal. With our planned 2025 release date we’re showcasing gameplay systems, a part of the world map, a new city, Ayleid dungeons and much more.
Despite our progress, we can’t do this alone: we hope with your support to finish the final steps in completing Skyblivion. Does that sound like something you can do? Then please visit our website to apply: https://www.skyblivion.com/volunteer/
What an amazing project. I used to love Oblivion so much, but sadly the gameplay hasn’t aged very well…