As read by ORF on the broadcast right now, McLaren PR has reached out to media with a statement that they did not invite Donald Trump into their garage.

Trump came for an unannounced visit shortly before the start of the Miami GP.

  • @[email protected]
    1005 months ago

    McLaren PR put out some BS about ‘respecting the office’. That cunt didn’t respect his own office, nor those he swore to serve. He has publicly said and done undeniably reprehensible things. I’m fucking sick of the type of people who feel they’re too polite to be political and then are ‘dismayed’ by the direction society is headed in.

    Zak, if you wanna degrade yourself, do it away from one of Britain’s most venerated sporting institutions, for fuck’s sake.

    • @[email protected]
      205 months ago

      I’m fucking sick of the type of people who feel they’re too polite to be political

      In this case you’re talking about an international sports event and the team is not american. Why do you expect them to take a strong stand against a former US president?

        • @[email protected]
          85 months ago

          it’s a bit rich to play this card with a foreign team judging by what the current polls show in the US. How about you guys sort your own shit first and then start pointing fingers ? It’s not McLaren who made Trump president and it’s weird to expect them to involve themselves in your presidential race regardless of your feelings towards the candidates.

          • @[email protected]
            145 months ago

            Yeah you’re right. Everyone should be able to smile and gladhand with fascists as long as they’re someone ELSE’S fascists. /s

            If Putin or Margaret thatcher (May she burn in hell) showed up in the Yankees’ dugout I’d expect them treat them like a fascist. Stop being so precious about a sport.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              If Putin or Margaret thatcher (May she burn in hell) showed up in the Yankees’ dugout I’d expect them treat them like a fascist. Stop being so precious about a sport.

              oh, sure they would. Like Haas, an american team, racing in Rusia and meeting Putin without any issues until the entire competition had to stop due to international sanctions. Get off your high horse mate, you’re getting dizzy from the hotter air

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  oh, are you mad at that? Are you so mad that you forgot it happened when you claimed it would never happen?

                  You’re just being childish and unreasonable. You’re probably the type of person who would have claimed McLaren has no business getting involved with politics is they refused to let Biden in.

      • @[email protected]
        395 months ago

        Not being American doesn’t mean you have to be passive about Trump.

        I’m not Russian but I still fucking hate Putin and would be happy to take a stand against him.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          i’m sure you’d do that individually, but not in an official capacity. This comparison is very funny, F1 used to race in Sochi and Putin himself handed over the trophies. This only stopped when international sanctions were placed on Rusia. There are none on Trump so no, an F1 team cannot cause an international incident by itself. Stop pretending you don’t understand this

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            Throwing out / denying access to a civilian is not “causing an international incident”.

            Just as their PR can write up a calm statement why he was allowed, they could have come up with a calm statement why he wasn’t.

            Sports was never and will never be not political. See your Putin example, or the last world cup, or the taking a knee protests,…

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              The fuck you mean sports isn’t political? So I guess saying the national anthem while having jets flying above isn’t political…

              The Olympics deciding who can and can’t compete based on what their countries government is doing isn’t political…

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            I’m sure you’d do that individually, but not in an official capacity.

            I’d do that in either capacity. I’ve told far nicer people than Putin to fuck off as part of work, sometimes against the wishes of my superiors.

            This comparison is very funny, F1 used to race in Sochi and Putin himself handed over the trophies.

            What’s the relevance? I wasn’t fine with it then. And neither were some in F1, Lewis, for example, refused to shake his hand and was cold with him in Sochi after the 2014 invasion of Crimea.

            This only stopped when international sanctions were placed on Rusia.

            You don’t need to tell me that the FIA is corrupt and loves dictators. I know that already.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                What a fucking ludicrous question. Jesus Christ.

                I like the Olympics as an event, despite the corruption of the Olympic committee and presence of awful dictatorships.

                People like football despite FIFA being corrupt as fuck, taking bribes from dictatorships, and being ok with literal slavery.

                And yes, I like F1 despite the FIA being just as corrupt.

                If you’re trying to phrase this as hypocrisy, it isn’t. It’s possible to like something while also disliking an aspect of it.

                Maybe you believe that in order to like F1 you must like the FIA/everything they do, as well as any dictator they pander to, but I think you’d be in the minority with that take.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  you are taking a hypocritical position though. As per your claims, you’re well aware of FIA and Liberty Media’ corruption and money grabbing schemes, but somehow you draw the line at a perfectly innocent event in which McLaren has landed. This is hypocritical

    • @[email protected]OP
      505 months ago

      I hate the fact that this happened on the day of Lando’s first victory. Fuck the fascist putschist.

  • Binthinkin
    465 months ago

    DJT is a cunt and those who don’t see it are also cunts. It’s just science.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      ∴ cunt × cunt = cunt² and -cunt × -cunt = cunt²

      ⇒√(-cunt²) = icunt, -icunt

      which we all wish is what would happen to DJT. To become an imaginary cunt.

      Edit: added fun math symbols.

  • @[email protected]
    295 months ago

    Fucking dbag trump told Norris he was his lucky charm in getting that win…Norris is handling it professionally but I would be steaming if a no talent failing upward insulated by daddies money hack tried taking credit for something I’d put my entire life’s work into achieving…

  • Hal-5700X
    5 months ago

    Man, a lot of “F1 fans” are mad about Trump being in McLaren’s garage. McLaren didn’t invited him in the first place. He was invited by an third party.

    EDIT: I find it funny. How peoples brains stop working when they see Trump or hear his name. Like all they see is red. Then they say and do something crazy. I just find all funny and odd.

    • AItoothbrush
      5 months ago

      Idk i wouldnt be happy if Osama Bin Laden visited my garage without permission.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Trump is a slimey buisness man/politician, that hardly raised to the level of ordering the extermination of millions people.

        • @[email protected]
          75 months ago

          I think the vibe here is less about has he ordered the extermination of millions and would he order the extermination of millions…

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            It’s insane to think Trump would order the extermination of millions, looking the other way while another country did is a completely different story.

  • @[email protected]
    115 months ago

    Idk why this criminal is allowed to go anywhere really. He’s still showing up to public venues as if he isn’t a terrible person that has negatively affected all of our lives. Still mingling with people and taking pictures while smiling like he didn’t commit a litany of felonies and wasn’t the worst president in existence.

    If I was him, I’d hide in a hole for the rest of my life but unlike him I actually feel ashamed for doing misdeeds.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      He has no reason to be ashamed, even if he had the capability to feel such things. A good chunk of the voting public still support him and believe every lie he tells.

    • Hal-5700X
      5 months ago

      Is he friends with Trump or is the reason Zak being nice to Trump because he haves to. If it’s true Liberty Media are the ones who invited Trump. Who owns F1? Liberty Media owns F1. Do the basic math.