Twitter’s response to a request for comment regarding its Boulder offices was an automatic email with a poop emoji. Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted in May that this is the new auto-response for press inquiries.
I can’t believe this is real, what an absolute clown show.
That is…childish and unprofessional to say the least.
This is why they are getting fined for more than the company is worth in Germany, they also responded to the German Data Protection Authority’s inquiries with poop emojis.
I’m gonna need more popcorn for this.
Oh, wow! I didn’t even hear that particular piece of news. That’s hilarious!
Because he, the Saudi princes, and the Qatar government didn’t overpay for twitter to be a successful business, but to buy influence and control information.
Have they paid for any of their offices?
Valid question that can be expanded even further. Has Elon paid for… anything?! Last I heard, Google is still waiting on their payment for their cloud services. 😂
Wonder how much of them not just killing the servers is to avoid a monopoly lawsuit/perception.
I’d assume if they (Twitter) were a normal non-social advertising company they’d just cut them off and be done. Granted it’s hard to know how long they haven’t paid, but my guess is basically since Elon took over.
Apparently the contract is up at the end of the month. So google is meeting there end of the deal even if twitter is not meeting theirs.
Heh, if I’m Google I’m just calling it. They have nothing to lose, a single Twitter team is a drop in the bucket for them.
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It’ll only be a week before they kill it again.
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Or what if they combine into (Google+Twitter)•Reddit
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I wish, I really liked G+. My sharing is based on common interests, not relationship.
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Apparently the parts of Twitter that run on Google Cloud are the parts dealing with safety. moderation, and anti-harassment. Musk loses nothing but Twitter becomes an even worse place than it currently is.
“Won’t have to pay if I get rid of the block function. It’s not harassment if everyone’s being harassed!”
-lil musky, probably
If you’re bored and looking for something (un)interesting to read - you can see some of the legal filings surrounding the lawsuit for non-payment of rent on their SF headquarters on this website.
I’m assuming you couldn’t get around the paywall, so here you go:
In May, Twitter’s landlord filed a complaint against its tenant Twitter, alleging that the company is behind on rent payments. The landlord is Lot 2 SBO LLC, affiliated with The John Buck Company, a Chicago-based real estate firm.
The complaint alleges that Twitter set up a letter of credit for $968,000 that the landlord could draw upon if the company failed to pay its rent, and the lease agreement said Twitter must replenish that letter of credit within 10 days if that were to happen.
The landlord used the letter of credit toward the unpaid rent this March, according to the complaint, but Twitter failed to restore the letter of credit within 10 days, as outlined in its lease.
Basically yes, non-payment of rent.
I don’t think they’ve even paid any bills.
Twitter’s response to a request for comment regarding its Boulder offices was an automatic email with a poop emoji. Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted in May that this is the new auto-response for press inquiries.
What a save!
The auto response is more eloquent and substantive than anything that would come from Eeyore’s mouth anyway
If I just broke contracts left and right, my credit rating would be ruined and I’d struggle to get any more financing. Yet this guy continues to leave a longer trail of financial wreckage behind him with few consequences. Our financial system is broken
socialcredit rating system is just for poor Americans. Most people in the world don’t have a credit rating, and neither do rich Americans or big companies.
As you can see, Twitter is now firmly in Act II: ‘Finding Out’
Waiting for him to declare Squatters Rights.
He is a sovereign citizen.
“You can’t say sqatters rights and expect anything to happen”
he didn’t say it. he DECLARED it!!!
How much does this dude have to do before everyone sues the pants off of him? We should be past that stage months ago.
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Sued by who? Musk is the only shareholder now. He is doing what the shareholders want.
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He took it private. Bought out all of the shareholders. It’s now all his, to ruin as he pleases.
That’s why he tried so hard to get out of the purchase, by the way. Buying out all of the Twitter shareholders was staggeringly expensive, even by billionaire standards.
Well the sale took twitter private, so Elon is no longer beholdent to share holders. Don’t get me wrong, he is an idiot and definitely deserves this downfall, but he can’t be sued by the shareholders since twitter is now privately owned.
Shareholders are only beholden to the value of their shares. The offer was simply too good to pass.
Now the muskrat is the only shareholder and apparently he’s happier without decorum.
He’s still beholden to the banks that helped fund the purchase and has to make interest payments.
He can just sell some more TSLA …
The banks don’t care how much Twitter is specifically worth, just that they get their money from somewhere. They’ll happily find Musk burning a company down if they’re also confident that he’ll be able to pay off his loans from somewhere else
IIRC, this toxic economic culture was started when Ford decided to pay their employees way more than their competitors, and they were still making bank and still the best in the market. Then a competitor sued them to stop them from paying their employees so well, because the competitors couldn’t (ie wouldn’t) compete with that.
Ford lost the lawsuit on the grounds that they were legally obligated to wring as much money out of their business to earn their shareholders and investors dividends. By paying their employees more, they weren’t paying their investors more. Or some other zero-sum-game nonsense.
Public companies have a duty to protect value for their shareholders, among other obligations. This is actually not an unreasonable rule of thumb, because public companies have a multitude of owners (the shareholders) who can’t always be polled on what the company should do, but one thing they have in common is that they want their investment to make money.
Private companies can do whatever the owner wants. In Twitter’s case, the only other party with standing to sue Musk for destruction of shareholder value is the Saudi sovereign wealth fund (Kingdom Holdings), which declined to relinquish its stake when Musk took Twitter private. The Saudis probably don’t want to raise a public stink (i) it’s a loss of face, and (ii) they have more money than they know what to do with, anyway.
The mill of the law turns slowly, but it does mill fine.
If you’re going to link to an article that’s behind a paywall, please warn us.
My bad, I have Bypass Paywalls Clean so I didn’t even notice the paywall!
Respectfully dude, it’s not everyone else’s job to police content for you. Paywalls are everywhere, it’s the internet.
A paywall can be a fair way for publishers to get subscribers and revenue.
Here it’s less fair since it’s an anti-adblock paywall that specifically targets user who obect to targeted advertising. It’s trying to pressure readers into accepting tracking by advertisers.
I agree that paywalls can be fair, and I appreciate your additional analysis of the situation. I’m not okay with being tracked.
This is hilarious. Fuck musk link to get around paywall.<url>
You can make a bookmarklet out of this, and I highly recommend it.
That’s an awesome suggestion. It didn’t work out for me though. The page never loaded. Probably a conflict with one of my extensions.
Same - I keep getting a verification expired notification but the page never loads.
Elon’s next tweet: “Squatters Rights! Very Interesting!! We are looking into it!!”
So everyone has to return to office, but they didn’t pay the bills for said office? This sounds about right for today’s Twitter. What an awful place to work now.
Will be nice to go there and not see their office anymore.
Ok maybe you can tell me. Is this referring to Boulder Colorado? It doesn’t mention the state anywhere in the article.
It’s from the Denver Business Journal.
What does that mean?
That means that it’s from a journal in Denver. Boulder is 15 miles from Denver.
Ah. I didn’t knew. Thanks!
I mean I suppose it’s possible they cover stories from all over the US or the rest of the world too.
Ahh. Didn’t notice that.
yes, CO. I recognize many of the street names.
Get out! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I’m curious how Twitter is still running. How can the servers stay up as the support structure rots around them…
Maybe they pay in Exposure
I mean usually if these systems are well architected and have enough head room they will just continue to run. It becomes problematic if you introduce change and don’t know them well. Change is the biggest factor leading to incidents.
Twitter servers are run by Google in Google datacenters. If Twitter just ceased to exist but would continue to mostly pay Google, it would stay up and running.