I’m a PS5 player, so I can’t make an impact, but if you did write a negative review (thank you, you made this happen ❤️) please consider taking the time to change it! This was clearly not AH decision and the game deserves an accurate review, it’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played and definitely the best game as a service!
Edit: woke up to new comments, this post reminded… Lemmy is just the same as Reddit.
Edit2: Christ I need to turn off Lemmy notifications, I’ve left this community and this was a stark reminder for me… don’t engage with a specific game community, just enjoy the fucking game!
this changed
Wait, did they ever stop people logging on? Was this drama over a promise in the future?
I thought everyone was blocked from logging on over the weekend and they only recently promised to remove that feature.
No, this wouldn’t have happened until May 30th as the tweet mentions. Starting May 6th is when new players would have been required to sign up for a PSN account before playing the game for the first time.
Yes, nothing actually changed on the players’ side of things. The announcement was made and subsequently backtracked on before any updates to the game were even pushed out. No one was blocked from logging in at any point, but they were told that without a PSN account by the end of May, they would have been.
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Wait, is it possible to publish a PlayStation game without going through Sony? They own that particular platform, and I have no info on if they allow third party publishers or not.
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They still need to go through Sony to get it onto the PS5. And Sony’s forced weird things before. It’s why there was an exclusive character for each console during Soul Calibur 2 days, Sony forced exclusive content in a game they didn’t publish in order to have that game on their console. There are plenty of other examples from that time, but I didn’t own a Sony system back then, so I can’t remember any off the top of my head.
Sony has final say on anything that goes into their console’s library, but they mostly mess with directly published games these days.
There was a timeline update from the devs, they signed with Sony 8 years ago, were made aware of this requirement 2 months prior to launch, then disabled during launch because servers were exploding. Apparently this wasn’t something put directly in the contract 8 years ago and if you think a tiny game studio has the resources to litigate their way out of that detail or decide to go it alone 2 months before launch you are wrong.
Sorry to link to this shitbox website. I don’t know where wlse it’s hosted. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cl4b2w/all_roads_lead_to_sony/#lightbox