If I eat this, will the children in Africa stop starving?
“What do you want me to do, express mail my meal to African children? If you care about the starving children so much, than donate to UNESCO. Also can I get some buter bred pls”
Same here!
People said that to me a lot when I was a kid and I took a very long time (only once a teenager or adult?) to understand what they even meant by that (how was that sentence going to make me eat?). It even had the opposite effect, I was like: cool a solution: less for me, more for them, and everyone’s happy!
Even now that I get the thought, I still think this is a nonsensical sentence to convince people they should eat things they don’t want to.
well besides it being a bad way to convice somebody
for me, it is not about wanting to and its not about childhood(I am an adult and I still strugle + am told what a awful person I am for wasting food), I have a small selection of gland foods I can eat in comfort, everything else is unbearable to eat, I don’t refuse food because I don’t want to be nice and just eat up, I refuse because It is painful to do and might vomit it all back up again
Just because someone is starving doesn’t mean that they’ll eat absolutely anything, nor should they be expected to.
That being said…bread with butter isn’t that nutritious. You might want to start trying new foods to round out your diet. I for one am a lot more likely to like a new food if it isn’t forced upon me, more so if I make it myself.
Yeah and I absolutely can’t, I have been forced, which has been quite painful, although now adays that doesn’t happen but people just pressure me, and if I can’t, I get lines like “children in africa are starving”, I have heard that one alot
Oh, don’t worry, I have a couple more balanced comfort foods, that was just some hyperbelly :)
I get lines like “children in africa are starving”, I have heard that one alot
Yeah that’s super manipulative. It shows that they aren’t actually trying to help you, and just want you to act more like them.
“Children are starving in Africa”
Okay, so stop buying food I can’t eat and cooking it and trying to get me to eat it. It’s just going to end up in the trash which is not only wasting the food but money, too.
It’s not hard :(
Don’t you know? You have to like something because someone somewhere is lacking it. /s