There’s probably a different word for it, but linkhole like rabbithole.
You went to this one site, and it mentioned some other site, and they kept your interest and kept linking on to others and you’ve surfaced just long enough to share here.
Nibling, that’s what we used to call “surfing the web”. Google all-but killed it with their ranking algo that heavily disincentivizes outgoing links, but pre-google, which was also pre-Web2.0 (what we now call “social media”, it was a dominant way to spend time online; that, and the old-school fora.
I thought of “surfing the web” as more of a superficial approach personally. I was thinking more along the lines of “researching” or digging through sites with a similar topic but each went deeper or in different directions than the first.
Although on second thought and a little looking around, it looks like “net diver” never took off as its own term? What strange rocks have I been under? 😵
There used to be link rings of sites with similar interests.
There still ate, for webcomics and certain kinds of blogs.
Wikipedia and TVTropes, I guess. But that’s staying on one site, not going from site to site.
Frankly, I never partook in stuff like webrings or StumbleUpon even back when they were a thing.
I remember stumble upon
Not too much of a rabbit hole, but it’s fun to waste some time on some small thing here and there. I find a lot of fun or weird stuff there and I love it.
Ok, I’ve spent way too much time on the sites on there. Enjoyable as fuck. if you’ve never experienced this website. The various videogame parodies are fantastic.
these are a great place to learn about stuff.
Literally any microblog that has a webring. You just need to hunt for them from various sources like YouTube and forums.
Not since the days of yore when there were DBZ websites with affiliate links. Lol
Palestine news on tiktok. I was under the impression tiktok was a garbage app like Facebook. It’s not.
I don’t use TikTok because I don’t like the heavily algorithmic feed nor do I vibe with videos. However, the ongoing Palestinian genocide has caused me to appreciate TikTok in a way that I never expected because of how it has facilitated the spread of Palestinian stories. I remember seeing one clip of a “nurse” supposedly in Al-Shifa hospital get thoroughly debunked on Tiktok itself [(which was covered widely by mainstream media afterwards)] ( I remember being struck by how the debunking included stuff like “her stethoscope and scrubs aren’t even the right colour”, and how this was easily verified because of the sheer mass of footage we had from within Al Shifa hospital. I’ve read that Israel’s hasbara strategy can’t keep up with TikTok and other modern social media, and Israel hates these platforms because of that. I’m still not a fan of TikTok personally, but I’ve certainly had to re-evaluate my stance on it
See? Even here my pro Palestinian posts still get downvoted by the bots. They can’t keep up with tiktok, so you see actual, unfiltered opinions.
memory alpha, from the star trek fandom
I just want to know about the full name of a character, 30 minutes later I’m reading about how they did something I don’t know what is, with some group I don’t know of, in a movie I haven’t seen.