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I would also feel safe if I had 2 pet velociraptors.
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Dumb as a greyhound, and as stubborn as you typical Saber tooth tiger. Doesn’t sound fun. It will eat a 12 pack of batteries and then slay you.
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Nope. You’re good. Just a few chickens though.
It will eat a 12 pack of batteries and then slay you.
Hitachi may want to have a word with you on that sentence.
I can’t not like this idea.
I mean, what man would want to harass her if she had two bitey bois on leashes.
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A more accurate depiction of raptors would have them with feathers, they’d basically look more like large birds, but with normal jaws and teeth instead of beaks.
Also many of the classical depictions, also known as skin wrapped or shrink-wrapped aren’t really great because they don’t attempt to depict the animal how they were by reconstructing they just draw skin over the structure of the bones, which is very wrong living things have cartilage and structure in their bodies that aren’t bone so we constructing from bone requires imagining and attempting to recreate that structure while using the bone structure as a starting point.
A PBS show mentioned they might also have had lip-like beaks.
So my fan fiction IS based in science! Do you think they were good kissers? I like to think so.
Another meme really made me think about this, how would scientist in the future reconstruct a hippo? How accurate would we be with just the skeleton?
And how accurate are we now with dinosaurus?
Really depends on how they do it if they do the shrink wrapping technique it’ll be just as bad, if they try and use context clues and imagination it’ll probably be a bit better, probably never 100% unless they find fossilized flesh (which is extremely rare).
As for how accurate it is with dinosaurs it’s gotten better, discovery of certain fossilized feathers has given clues to how they looked, even allowing us to theorize about what colors some of their feathers might have been because the pigments in feathers have different Crystal structures, so in a well preserved fossilized feather they can see the shapes of those structures, obviously the color is long gone but because those shapes are unique to the pigments they can infer what color it was.
There are small details that are never going to be quite right, we have though come a long way from where we were.
I think it also depends on the mammals that exist in this hypothetical future. If there is a similar species they would likely use it as reference. What’s the deal with dinos? They have teeth, tails, and eggs so people were like “lizard”?
More and more we think bird because of the evidence of feathers but what if feather boas were just the style back then?
Prehistoric Planet has some nice depictions.
And look at those baby velociraptors!
Note to self: sequel to movie I can’t promote right now needs velociraptors.
I think most movies could benefit from adding velociraptors.
You need to check out The VelociPastor.
I explained the plot to someone and they thought I was just making it up on the fly. I’m not that skilled.
Not just movies.
But can the velociraptors be pets?
Have you seen the documentary called Jurassic World? Some strikingly hansom man was able to do it.
A surprising number of people have chickens as pets, you bet your damn ass people would want velocihens as pets.
How about a terrible mid 00s style low budget scfy channel movie? Barbie vs Dinosaurs. Harley Quinn vs Dinosaurs would work too. It is such a terrible idea it’s hilarious IMO.
Why not Queen Elizabeth I or Tonya Harding or Naomi vs dinosaurs?
Those would be funnier.
Tonya Harding would be great. They could do all sorts of ridiculous scenes using ice skates as weapons.
Hell yea
Harley Quinn, Queen of Raptors
Clever girls!
What is the original context of this?
Even aside from cartoon physics and so many other ridiculous things, I’m not sure what the criticism is.
I can’t work out what this image is about. Is it Pro atheism or against it?
So I get the leashes and lingerie, but why were the men turned into dinosaurs?
Who tf wouldn’t want to be a velociraptor?
Depends are we talking Jurassic Park Velociraptor or historically accurate Velociraptor?
Historically accutate? Abraham Raptor?
They were chicken-sized. Not quite the threat as in the movies.
For people who don’t know, therapods about that size did exist, they just weren’t called velociraptors. Why the movie decided to give those things the wrong name, I’ll never know.
“velociraptor” rolls off the tongue way better than “utahraptor”
Oh definitely the Jurassic Park ones. Who wouldn’t want to be bossed about by Chris “Dances with Dinosaurs” Pratt while a bunch of men stand around and film it?
Quite cool with it.
We successfully domesticated raptors? Sounds like religion brought us to the wrong timeline.
As cool as this is, unfortunately it’s the young earth creationists who tend to believe we lived alongside dinosaurs. No cool pets for us :(
We already have chickens, chickens are fucking terrifying. We just need to make them bigger then BAM! velociraptor 2.0.
Why wouldn’t they post a picture?
Here you go.
Flying squids are the best squids. Much appreciate!
We are indeed.
I mean we do live alongside dinosaurs, birds are dinosaurs
Totally cool with it. Cat in the window is probably not so jazzed about the velociraptors though
At last, bird-kind gets its revenge.
She should be on roller skates or a skateboard so the raptors can pull her. That way she won’t mess up her slippers and won’t have to work as hard.
I mean those things can only run at like 30mph or less right? Maybe one of those off-road skateboard would be better to handle the sidewalk buckles.
If someone was against the world shown in this image, I’d have to wonder what weird hell their idea of a perfect world is.
Probably one where women can’t express themselves without a man’s permission. I’ll tell you where they can shove that.
Is she marrying the raptors? The rose petals are giving me a wedding vibe :)
edit: the raptors are getting married, I mean.Clever girl.
Yes. Yes it is.