1994 was 6 years ago, this doesn’t really qualify as being retro
I’m Commander Sheppard, and this is my favorite comment in the Fediverse.
And my Axe!
One of those games I owned a demo of, but was never able to control properly. But, boy, was it cool! As a kid I messed around with it, but didn’t see more than one or two levels.
I still think about it from time to time, that’s the lasting impression it had on me. I never imagined, there would be an update or remake!
Thank you for the memories!
A good joystick or even gamepad can help a fair bit with the control. Keyboard sometimes felt… complicated
The nostalgia hits hard here! So much fun had in this era of pc gaming.
Descent taught me how to fly using the numpad. I think I had A as thrust, Z as reverse, 8/2 as pitch, 4/6 as yaw, 7/9 as roll, 1/3 as horizontal strafe, and +/- as vertical.
Descent also taught me how to use dial up for multiplayer.
The reason I still use inverted Y-axis on controllers to this day!
Cool, now I can vomit like it’s the 90’s again, but with incredible lighting :p
Link to the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCGnQoakOWc
First game I ever had on PC!
Damn, that looks nice
I don’t get it. Why bother with such poor quality textures? D1 was my favorite of the series, but I feel like the d1x project probably did more for the appearance boost (been a while since I played it though!)
So cool, I had this on PC back in the day, but the PC really wasn’t powerful enough to play it properly, it was so jerky. Can’t wait to try it on a modern computer, thanks for the link!
Will this run on a steam deck? I had it back in the Weezer win 95 dialup, wutang CD-ROM mansion days.
Ohhhh boy. This is just tooo good!
One of the true childhood nostalgia games for me.
Sometimes I’d hear people talk about other games with Descent in the title (I think it was Descent: Freespace?) I’d think “Wait … that’s not the Descent I know of”
I had a SpaceOrb 360 so I could play this. It didn’t help.
Played a ton of Descent with my CH Products Flight Stick Pro, which is since long gone. Not sure I could play any other way.
OMG I had one of those!