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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/Great-Worldliness-66 on 2023-08-24 15:07:24.

I’ve noticed that most people tend to hugbox each other in MtF communities and the complete opposite in FtM communities. What is worse is that a lot of FtM communities tend to have a very rigid way of what a man is supposed to look like, almost as if there could not be any type of variety or you’re just an obvious trender or you MUST be nonbinary or something. Piercings, long hair, dyed hair, tattoos is an obvious “trender” indicator to most people apparently, even when someone is on T for many years. Meanwhile I have seen a bearded, bald MtF getting told that they have feminine features about them. I couldn’t believe my eyes tbh. I feel like hugboxing to an extreme level is bad, but also nitpicking everything about someone is also bad.

  • @BadAdvice
    11 year ago

    Weirdly enough, the community all about breaking labels gets exceptionally pissy if you reject the labels it has picked out for you. They’re all for you being who you want to be as long as whoever that is matches with their perception of what they think they should be. IMO it’s all a huge circlejerk for control that they don’t otherwise have in society.