What systems and/or campaigns are you currently actually playing? I spend so much time thinking about new systems and reading old ones, and I sometimes forget that playing is actually a part of things.

So, what are you actually playing right now?

I am currently running Curse of Strahd for two of my adult kids and two of their friends.

I am about to start a Mouseguard-like campaign in FUDGE, with my wife and all of my adult kids.

  • Recluse@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago

    Running a Cypher System (Numenera) game.

    Playing in a Cypher System (sci-fi setting with Farscape influence) game and a Star Wars Edge of the Empire game.

  • Primarch@ttrpg.networkM
    2 years ago

    Masks - I currently did a session zero for this game this weekend, and will be doing the first session next tuesday. I’ve played Masks a bunch before, and having seen Across the Spiderverse twice recently I’m really looking forward to it.

    Pathfinder 2e - currently playing through Abomination Vaults on my Sunday livestreamed variety game group. I think one player isn’t enjoying it so much as he enjoys playing unusual characters more than the tactical combat itself, but I think everyone else is enjoying it.

    SWN Revised: After two previous SWN campaigns, this one is a bit different. Instead of starting off as a free crew with a ship, the PCs are a part of a faction that’s half mercenary company half adventurer’s guild, that focuses on mech combat. So I made some systems for them to work their way up the ranks of the faction, a variation of the faction turn that represents different crews within their faction vying for control and influence, and a reputation system that unlocks more purchase options over time as missions are complete.

  • jewelpit@dice.camp
    2 years ago

    I’m playing in a 5e Beyond the Witchlight campaign, and running a Tiny Taverns game on nights when we have missing players. It’s been working out really well for us, because we’re all invested enough in the BtW game that we don’t want to run when we have missing players, and Tiny Taverns is episodic by design.

  • eerongal@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago

    ive actually been playing dungeonworld recently for the first time as we take a break from our usual D&D game. It’s been a bit of a refreshing change of pace.

  • AbleAmerek@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago

    Taking a D&D break, however a group I am not DM’ing are finishing up Strixhaven. Currently I am running Cairn with two groups and also in some final prep stages to playtest something I have been working on.

    I am running one group of Cairn using the BFRPG Morgransfort module and another utilizing the Lost Citadel book from Green Ronin Publishing.

  • HoodieSticks@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago
    1. A year-long 5e campaign that is likely going to wrap in a few months when I run out of ideas and the players get too high level. After that, one of the players (a massive Elder Scrolls fan) has talked about possibly running a thing with the unofficial Elder Scrolls 5e supplement.

    2. A Star Wars: Edge of the Empire game that has been going on since January. It will also likely wrap within a few months, mostly because our group isn’t a great fit for it. After that, I’m not sure. Maybe we’ll do pathfinder, maybe we’ll do DSA (because one of our german friends really likes it), or maybe we’ll do something completely different.

    Curse of Strahd is the 5e module I’ve wanted to try the most over the years, and Mouseguard is one of the more interesting systems I’ve gotten a taste of from one-shots. I kinda wish I was part of OP’s family right now, NGL.

    • TripHammer@ttrpg.networkOPM
      2 years ago

      Curse of Strahd is truly fantastic as a setting and basic ideas but the module itself is a piece of crap.

      Hammering it into shape, making sense of it, and making it all hang together has been a craptonne of work, and I’ve used loads of 3rd party stuff. The Curse of Strahd subreddit is AMAZING for that.

      It’s truly a pile of hot garbage RAW, but I’m having the time of my life customizing and making it mine.

      • dwgill@ttrpg.network
        2 years ago

        I’m a fan of the 3rd party campaign module Odyssey of the Dragonlords and it’s hilarious how much this is the consensus on the dedicated Discord community for that adventure. Everyone loves the bones of the module, but everyone also agrees it needs a lot of love and polish.

  • craftydragon@pawb.social
    2 years ago

    I’ve mostly been playing Root, though most of the PCs have been retired and new ones made. That said as a result, I have been through 3 different characters.

  • tissek@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago

    Running a Blades in the Dark game those playdates where the GM isn’t available. A buch of small heists with little to no overarching development. I mean we play a few sessions every three months or so. It is the filler game.

    Planning to do some one-shots of Panic! at the Dojo after hearing about it. With no character advancement (so I’ve heard) it sound like a great one-shot system. The dicerolling sounds fun and I do enjoy the easy access of Jackie Chan movies.

    Working on (probably) an Ironsworn: Starforged: Sundered Isles set a couple of centuries after the catastrophic fall of the Eternal Empire. In short the last Eternal Emperor, the personification of the Red Moon goddess, tried to usurp the power of the Red Moon causing it to fall in the event known as the Moonfall shattering the central bureaucracy of the empire. And with that gone the empire fell apart within a generation. The immediate story draws inspiration from the Saga of Hervor and Heidrek (Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks). Especially the part of Hervor travelling to where her father and uncles were slain in a failed holmgång, reclaiming the sword Tyrfing and getting her aett cursed. And now that curse is upon the aett. Will hopefully be some good stuff.

    Playing a tesmpest cleric in a DnD5e campaign where a demon-goblin horde is ravaging the land. The demon lord is Azeroth and is cold themed so plenty of Warcraft and the Frozen Throne memeing. Begun leaning a bit towards the surfer boy wanting to do good stuff and have transformed him into a smite first ask questions later kind of guy. And a if you are not fully with us against the horde of chaos you are against us. He is becoming a fanatic. Great suff.

    Also in a Burning Wheel campaign where a play an engineer just wanting to do her day job, get reestablished in the city and possibly reconnect with her estranged daughter. Currently very stressed and very tired. The character doesn’t want to do “adventuring” stuff but me the player make sure she get into the action. Love playing the mom of the group.

  • Blackwingedheaven@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago

    Currently playing a harengon rogue in a Wild Behind the Witchlight 5E game. I’m way more excited about the Savage Worlds game I’m running, which is an isekai-style game where the PCs were transported to a strange fantasy world with new and amazing powers.

    • HoodieSticks@ttrpg.network
      2 years ago

      I’ve wanted to run an isekai-style game for a long time. I feel like so few isekai stories properly explore the implications of being transported to a fantasy world with real-world knowledge.