@trees Do y’all grind fresh every time you smoke, or pre grind a bunch and store it in something? Right now I grind every time I smoke.
Half and half. I’ll grind a few bowls worth at a time and use that till it runs out. But a few bowls also is only a few hours, so that has to be taken into consideration
I grind up roughly enough to cover whatever I’m gonna get into, but I’ll have some leftover most of the time.
I vape it though, and I don’t notice any difference in flavor either way. First 2 or 3 hits have all the terpenes then its just weed after that.
@PutangInaMo makes sense. Sounds like what I do too. I usually just screw my grinder back together and call it good and use the rest the next day and haven’t noticed any particular difference but I don’t live somewhere dry.
Ah yep sounds exactly right. True about the environmental humidity I hadn’t considered it.
I generally try to grind an amount that I will use within a day or so. I live in a low humidity state so if I grind up too much and let it sit around too long it can dry out more than I would prefer.
I grind fresh because I want to taste it.
I use a Fury Edge which has loadable capsules. I’ll generally grind enough to fill 8 caps which will usually last about a week
Try to only grind enough for the current bowl that way it can stay fresh
@artemisRiverborne thank you. That is kind of what I was thinking as well. It seems I was on the right track given the other comments. I appreciate it!
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@kaklerbitmap yeah I feel like mine lasts the night and then half way into the next day and then I grind some new fresh.
If you grind every time you smoke, you’re not using a volcano. I grind about once a week because that’s when my bowl runs out.
@JTskulk haha no. It was too expensive for my first dry herb vape. But I will definitely have one someday!
Used to grind fresh every time but I have a tiny air tight container now that I use to make reloading easier. I only keep about 3 bowls worth in it though.
I’m not a heavy smoker so 3 bowls lasts me for the entire work week
@EthicalDogMeat that makes sense. What container do you use?
I bought a tiny one from “Jyarz” but there are plenty of options out there. I do like my Jyarz though. There’s no odour leak, and it keeps the weed fresh
@EthicalDogMeat I’ll have to check them out, thanks!
Once i grinded too much and wanted to vape a different strain so i put it aside in a small glass jar with a lid. It got mold. So i am now making sure to not grind too much.
I just grind up as much as will fit in my grinder, about 2g.
Grind fresh. If I have leftover from the last grind I’ll add that too.
I’m tending to grind only enough for a couple hits (using dry-herb-vapes, so like a nugget of flower.) The rest I keep in my little tupperware with Boveda packs to fix the humidity.
I live in a pretty arid locale, so it’s amazing how fast my weed drys out too much and loses its terps.
I grind in batch, 2 to 5 times a week
Mostly because grinding is messy
Using vaporizer and don’t care about moisture, the drier, the better