A day late, but better late than never!
I finished Grave Peril, third book of Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. The series has start picking up. This book is much higher quality than the first two.
Currently, I am reading two books.
The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll. I have been using bullet journal for nearly a decade, but never got around to reading the book, so finally got it. While there’s nothing new in the method, the “why” are interesting, and should help me be more productive.
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Man, what a book. I think this is one of the best book I have read recently. I am more than half-way, and loving every moment of it.
What about all of you? What have you been reading?
Book 3 of Mistborn, The Hero of Ages. Really loving it so far, book 2 took it’s sweet time though.
That’s good to know, book 2 was a slump compared to the first but still enjoyable
Yeah, “middle” can often be a slog in series. You have to keep everything exciting without resolving anything.
I think I should start Mistborn re-read next. Want to re-read before starting Mistbort Era Two (Wax & Wayne novels).
Re-reading the entire Cradle series by Will Wight. Up to book 11 out of 12 so almost there!
Is the series finished now? I liked the first couple of books, but was waiting for him to finish it.
Yes and I will say it was a very good ending.
Ahan, that’s good to know. Thanks for the info!
Yes, Book 12 “Waybound” is the last in the Cradle series. So go and enjoy the books!
Thanks! Will check them out!
The Dresden Files is tied with The Dark Tower series as my favorite series. It gets progressively better as it goes along. I hope you’ll love it. It’s amazing.
Sadly I’m only reading a textbook for class right now. But I’m about to start A Stitch In Time, the Garak/star trek novel.
Yeah, Dresden Files is really good. I have read first 5 books a long time ago. Now plan to read the whole series, just hope the series is finished by the time I reach the ending.
I have never read any Star Trek novel, A Stitch in Time looks interesting. Let us know how you like it, when you get around to it.
And don’t worry. Textbooks are very important, you can always read other books later on.
Dresden won’t be done anytime soon, sadly. The whole series is currently at 17 books (not counting “Side Jobs” or “Brief Cases” short story collections) and planned for 23 books total, with no idea when #18 is coming yet.
Really? I was quite sure the next two books will be last. I should look it up again.
The numbers are a bit in the air because of some of the plot got shifted around and that added 1-2 books. If I recall the current plan is 22 regular casebooks, 3 short story collections, and one trilogy to finish the series (some times referred to as “Big Apocalyptic Trilogy” or BAT).
See here: https://www.jim-butcher.com/faq
Honestly, I’ll be devastated when the series is concluded. The idea of no more dresden, ever. Ah. Breaks my heart. But I hate endings. I’m the type that wants things to go on for as long as possible.
I don’t know if I can say that I will be devastated, but given it’s my current favorite series it will definitely be a big moment. But it’s something I’ve already gone through with another series, so I’ve had practice 😀
Which other series? I can still remember when I was a kid and the last Harry Potter book came out. OMG, I felt so lost.
Thanks fro the details!
So, after 2013, he has only released two Dresden Files novels, both in 2020. Though he said in a recent interview that he will finish the next Dresden Files novel this year, by Christmas, so I think we can expect 2024 release date for Twelve Months.
He is also releasing the next Cinder Spires novel this year, as well as a novella. I am hopeful he will be releasing books regularly now.
Though, I think I should start adding a bigger gap between each book, to keep them going for couple of years.
He had a bunch of personal life drama after 2013 that involved a divorce, a move, building a house with radioactive complications, a wedding, and a second divorce.
He seems to be back on schedule though.
Interesting, I love The Dark Tower so maybe I should check this out, I haven’t heard of it before now.
Also does your name have anything to do with Lost? xD
They’re not really similar, but Dresden is so good. Definitely check it out!
Alas, no, Dharma as in the philosophical concept. Though now I really wish I’d intended the double meaning. I loved Lost. Lol.
I will check it out and I have just finished a re-watch of Lost so it is fresh in my mind. Wishful thinking on my part but glad you also enjoyed it :D
I never got to finish the series during it’s original run. Got super busy in the second to last season. I finally researched and fi finished it last year. Dammit I enjoyed that show. It was weird seeing both a Mikail Bakunin and a reference to Dharma in a show, as a Dharmic anarchist. Haha.
I Know This Much Is True. 900 pages. I’m halfway through the book inside the book
This doesn’t look like light reading. How are you liking it?
The Three Body Problem - Still plodding along through. I’m probably 2/3 done.
It gets increasingly less pointless from there on out hope you like it
Have you read the whole series? How did you like it?
Just saw a trailer of Three-Body Problem on Netflix upcoming list. I wonder if it’s this one.
Currently on Book 5 of the Wheel of Time! Reading the whole thing because only the first 9 were out when I started the series over 20 years ago
Wow. I love Wheel of Time. How are you liking it, when reading again after 20 years?
Oh, it’s just fantastic. The series doesn’t need to be so long, but the pay-offs from its length have already been amazing. References to people and places in book one that suddenly come to fruition by book four or five are so satisfying, and watching the characters develop just keeps you hooked.
The Wife and I are both reading it at the same time on our e-readers, so trading notes while we go brings an extra level of enjoyment.
Yeah, that sounds fun. Would love to hear what you both thought about the whole series, once you have finished it.
The Silmarillion. It’s a slog.
I have tried reading it twice. First time, I started without knowing anything about it, and thought it might be something like Lord of Things or The Hobbit. Gave up very quickly.
Second time I read it knowing what it was, but I got so confused by the names. Fahir Faihr, Faher, I dunno, so many similar names. Gave up, confused. I liked it other than that though. So, have been thinking about reading it while making a big family / relation tree alongside it, so that I can figure out who is who and how they are related to each other.
I’m listening to the Andy Serkis audiobook right now. I agree the first bit is a slog but really enjoying it once Feanor and events get going.
The Bible. It does put some things in perspective. And I have questions.
Hope you find what you are looking for! Good luck!
A Day Of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon.
This is my second book I’ve read by her and the writing is just so freaking wonderful to trot through. She has such a way with words that really makes it comfortable to sit through a massive story. It’s also great to see the beginnings of The story that comes after this one (Priory of the orange tree)
Ah, I have heard of Priory of the Orange Tree, but doesn’t that come before “A Day of Fallen Night”?
Yes, it was written before but story wise Orange Tree takes place after. I may have to reread it after Fallen Night just to have a new appreciation for how the characters came to be even though they are both considered Standalone books.
Going through it in the chronological order of events, I’m currently reading Asimov’s The Currents of Space.
Got finished with The Stars, Like Dust the day before, and I must say not many things I’ve read had me cringing as hard as that book’s very ending. That one last paragraph alone took the whole thing down a couple notch for me.
Alastair Reynolds’ Revenger trilogy. I guess I’ll finish Bone Silence this evening and Shadow Captain this weekend.
I have never read anything by Alastair Reynolds. How are you liking the series?