• @[email protected]
      3828 days ago

      All of them practically.

      The ones that aren’t bots are moron followers that might as well be bots at this point. Imagine following the guy that Russia roots for… It’s pathetic.

      • @[email protected]
        627 days ago

        I can see a few legit users following him just out of curiosity to see what kinda shit he pulls, though I imaging a number of those unfollowing once they inevitably get sick of his shit. Or maybe they would follow him to enable another stunt like when all those kids bought out a Trump rally 2x over and just didn’t show up, leaving the venue almost completely empty on live TV after they had set up all those extra seats

    • @dmMeYourNudes
      228 days ago

      Probably not that many. I hate his guts and I just followed because I need good seats to the shit show that’s about to happen.

  • @[email protected]
    1827 days ago

    Calling it here: if the TikTok ban actually starts, he’ll whine he’s being persecuted and they’re out for him, even though he knew about the bans possibility long in advance.

    • @[email protected]
      327 days ago

      It would be nice if you could block everybody who follows someone you blocked, specifically because of “celebreties” like this.

      I don’t actually have tiktok, but like, in general

  • GladiusB
    1027 days ago

    “let’s totally get in good with the young voters without looking like I’m trying to get in with the young voters”