• @[email protected]
    2327 days ago

    Funny how you never heard this much outrage on social media from the years of Uyghur genocide committed by China or Russia’s murders of it’s internal political opponents. Palestine is terrible and deserves attention, but it’s pretty clear this movement is getting a major boost from Chinese and Russian social media farms to influence US voter turn out.

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        No, I just don’t myopically go after one cause while ignoring others because manipulated social media points me in a direction. I am pointing out that people need to pay attention to the world, not only the issues bots push to the top of threads. The manipulation of algorithms by authoritarian troll farms has consequences for all the other suffering people in the world not getting heard. The pressure on Israel and the US has gotten Palestine support and aid. Others need that same support and you barely hear anything about other genocides online. That is no mere coincidence and people should be aware they are being manipulated away from other genocides on purpose by authoritarian regimes like China. The world needs to keep pressure on them over their Uyghur genocide and internment/enslavement as well. You can create awareness and pressure online about more than one movement at a time.

    • @[email protected]
      1727 days ago

      A way to try to discourage leftist criticism of Israel’s actions is to appeal to Israel being the only country in the middle east that somewhat recognises queer people and their rights.

      • @[email protected]
        927 days ago

        That should only work on people capable of a single thought.

        I want Israel to fuck off and pay for their crimes.

        I want LGBTQ rights everywhere, and those that impede them should be deposed and, depending on their actions, charged with crimes.

        If the current leaders of Gaza do not respect the rights of all humans, they should be removed. This has nothing to do with the ongoing invasion and bombings from Israel, they are separate thoughts.

        • @[email protected]
          123 days ago

          I want LGBTQ rights everywhere, and those that impede them should be deposed and, depending on their actions, charged with crimes.

          Does that include Gaza?

          • @[email protected]
            123 days ago

            Why wouldn’t it?

            Human rights exist everywhere, and I decry anyone who opposes that.

            This is accomplished through reasonable, legal process. Not bombs.

            • @[email protected]
              123 days ago

              You cant despose of and charge with crimes without some amount of violence, they arent going to come quietly

              • @[email protected]
                123 days ago

                I’m taking about Palestinians governing themselves, same as any other place.

                Im not saying anywhere deserves to be bombed over this, I’m saying (and your seem to have missed it) that the invasion and the LGBTQ rights issues are entirely separate, and should be handled separately.

                Israel has nothing to do with it

    • Zier
      227 days ago

      I’m not sure. But this might be the answer to the question “British or Gay?”. Maybe we colonized the UK and are only now able to answer the question with “Yes, both.”

    • @[email protected]
      124 days ago

      The “unnoticed” part is what I balk at:

      They’d be the flamboyantest army around, wouldn’t they??

    1427 days ago

    People disagreeing with this meme is a prime example of why you do not allow your entire worldview to be defined by bourgeois elections.

    Liberals weaponizing LGBT rights to justify atrocities harms LGBT movements around the globe. We do not need, for example, companies like Raytheon or the Pinkertons appropriating our symbols. Every time someone uses queer right to justify colonialism, it gives reactionaries ground to paint legitimate queer movements as agents of the West. And I’m not just talking about Russia or China, but non-aligned countries across Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, of course, queer rights are under attack in many Western countries.

    It’s the same shit as when the “New Atheist” and Bill Maher types started justifying the Iraq War on the basis of feminism or whatever. Firmly rejecting that mentality and distinguishing ourselves from it is more important than worrying about which imperialist gets elected.

  • The Uncanny Observer
    1327 days ago

    bUt IsReAl DoEsN’t KiLl ThE gAyS gUys!

    How can they be the baddies when they don’t do this one bad thing? Why can’t you guys support the ethnic cleansing and pogroms, guys?

  • @[email protected]
    1327 days ago

    The inconsistent ‘O’s are kind of bothering me, but also I have no idea what this is referring to. Did the IDF start flying rainbow flags or something?

    • @[email protected]
      426 days ago

      I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they’re referring to the pinkwashing of Hamas’ crimes and goals of turning that whole area of the world into a right wing theocratic ethnostate where anyone who isn’t arab, conservative, and muslim gets hunted for sport.

  • @[email protected]
    827 days ago

    But I think I get it:

    Let’s say you really love the rich taste of Royal Dutch Shell gasoline, but you’re concerned that their mineral rights contracts with developing countries might be exploitative. Now, if they release a rainbow colored logo for Pride month, you might feel less shame when drinking their gasoline, because they did a good deed.

    However, the truth is none of it matters because you’re gonna keep on guzzling all the Royal Dutch Shell gas you can get your hands on because it just. tastes. so. good.