I pull the hood down over my face as I step out from under the tree’s shade, the bright sunlight reflecting from stone streets and bright, painted walls into my sensitive, red eyes. I catch a similar motion out of the corner of my eye, and give my sister a smile. Her eyes, a pale shade of pink, betray a certain exhaustion, but her optimism has not yet quite faded.

I take her hand as we step into the crowded street, searching for a tavern, where I might find knowledgeable travelers resting and sharing stories. Particularly, anyone with information on where I might find the cure to my sister’s illness. Right now, I’m following a lead for an alchemist, one who is said to have cured this particular illness before. I can only hope it is the same one, at least. The described illness causes constant fatigue, and can worsen over time. It seems to make the victim more susceptible to other illnesses, and I have treated a few minor fevers and coughs already.

My sister Irya seemingly has a mild form of the illness. It does not leave her struggling to walk for weeks on end. Sometimes it is worse than others, and she will demand a rest when it is particularly bad, but these waves of exhaustion rarely last more than a few days.

My sister and I have so far kept to fairly safe roads, traveling between major settlements and sleeping in reputable inns. We are not rich by any means, and I am always eager to refill my little gold purse when I can, but we have plenty to fund our travels, with some to spare in case of emergencies.

As I pull Irya from the crowd, and through the doors of the tavern, it takes us a moment to realize that the inside is not pitch black. In fact, there are a few large windows, letting in plenty of light. Still not ideal for our sensitive eyes, but much nicer than the open streets. I lower Irya into a seat at a table, placing myself strategically to see the entire room, and rest my legs for a moment as I try to decide whether there is anyone worth questioning.

Irya lowers her hood, letting her snow-white hair free as she begins to brush a few knots from it. Her dark ash-grey skin is likely to get us a few odd glances, but by now we’re more than used to it. I lower my own hood, and the only difference between us is that my eyes are a dark, vibrant red, and I am clearly older. We both wear the same dark, woolen clothes, wrapped in nice, warm cloaks which keep our bodies mostly a mystery.

First of all, I’d just like to clarify that I’m absolutely delighted to play with women. I’ve had a couple of people tell me that they weren’t sure by the way my post was worded that I’d be interested in playing with women, but I certainly am.

Hey there, everyone! If this post looks familiar, it’s because I’ve posted it probably hundreds of times over nearly a decade. I figured I might as well bring out the classic for a first post here. I’m looking to play an RP in which I control either the older sibling or both siblings on their quest to find a cure for Irya’s illness. They could come across all sorts of complications, and get into all kinds of sexual situations, consensual or otherwise. Obviously, in this prompt, both my character and Irya are dark elves, described as from Forgotten Realms but they can really exist in any generic fantasy setting you like.

My favorite sexual setup is a dub-con situation. One where I, my sister, or both are forced to perform sexual favors not through brute strength, but through words and circumstance. I like being persuaded that the best option is to swallow my pride and let someone have their way with me (or my sister). Perhaps we end up on a slightly rougher road, run into a bandit “toll” and they decide that they can just rob us blind and leave us for the wolves, or we can perform some services for them and continue on our way.

Maybe we do find someone who has genuine information on the cure, but he wants to fuck the sick girl in exchange for the information. Maybe he wants to do things to us in public areas, or force us to humiliate ourselves. Or any combination of the above, or anything else you can imagine. There are so many possibilities!

I intend for my partner to control most of the world - it is up to you to decide how my race is seen, what sort of place I’m in, where and who exactly this man is that we’re looking for, and the like. I will only control my own character, and her sister Irya. The rest of the world is up to you!

I have kinks all over the place, and absolutely no limits. Please, feel free to send me a PM if any of this speaks to you!

I have a kinklist here

If you’ve read this far, please put your favorite fruit in the subject of your message.