It’s so much worse than just turning the libraries into prisons - they even went as far as putting cameras in the classrooms to spy on the teachers to make sure they follow mike miles’ centralized learning plans and to dock their pay if they aren’t …
Sadly, we’ll probably be losing many more good teachers over this. It all feels so broken.
It definitely is. This is just watching what happens when republiQans blow up your society (in this case: schools).
They haven’t installed the telescreens yet, have they? Gotta get those two minutes of hate.
I’m sure those cameras won’t immediately be vandalized by students.
These policies will fail, but I doubt they’ll change course because Republicans never want to admit they’re wrong.
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One of Miles’ boldest projects has been a major restructuring of 28 underperforming schools, many of which are located in lower-income neighborhoods. Their teachers must now follow a centrally scripted curriculum, with in-classroom cameras monitoring their performance and pay based largely on standardized test scores.
How does anyone think that institutionalizing the lives helps lower income neighborhoods ?
How does making more authoritarianism help people that are all ready with more on them in the form of poverty ?
I’m so done with the New American Warlord bullshit. We need to rip these crypto-Stalins asunder in public.
This is just so sad and evil. Take away a learning space, punish kids, and force them to “learn” alone. That’s so messed up. How anyone thinks these people are helping anything is beyond me.
Standardized test scores aren’t good so his solution is to hamper school libraries. This guy must be a genius /s
This is absolutely terrible. How sad :(