• @[email protected]
      336 days ago

      Thanks for sharing the rest of the post. But I’m confused about who is speaking what during the last three lines after “even on our dates”.

      • @[email protected]
        5 days ago

        GF: “Did you always have a gun?”

        Anon: “I always carry”

        GF: “Even on our dates? Did you think I was gonna rob you or something?”

        Anon: “Muggers don’t wait until it’s convienient for you to get robbed, you know?”

        GF: “Oh that makes sense.”

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        Girl: even on our dates

        2A bro: did you think I was gonna mug you? Why would I wait?

        Girl: got it

        That better?

        Though it makes it even less believable. Most dads I know that might do that have daughters that would appreciate it lol

  • @[email protected]
    2086 days ago

    I mean, that’s probably not gonna get the girl, but I think you taught her dad a little humility

      • @[email protected]
        246 days ago

        On the contrary: guys like that are big on fear. That’s at the root of conservatism and toxic masculinity: fear of losing one’s life, one’s property, one’s place in the social hierarchy.

        When he saw another gun come out, he felt fear. Nothing teaches you better than that.

        • @[email protected]
          96 days ago

          He felt fear. Nothing teaches you better than that.

          I don’t think that’s true and I don’t think I want it to be.

          • KillingTimeItself
            35 days ago

            I don’t think that’s true and I don’t think I want it to be.

            it is just true, fear is one of the primal human responses, it’s what kept us from being eaten by fucking lions or some shit.

    • @[email protected]
      436 days ago

      Starts talking about his own custom 1911 “First of all, the feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen. It’s not going to have any feeding problems. The slide’s been replaced with a reinforced version, and it meshes perfectly with the frame. The frame itself has been iron-welded and scraped down multiple times for maximum precision. The front strap part of the frame has been checkered to make it dig into the hand. That prevents any slipping. The sight system’s original too. It’s a 3-dot type. It’s got an enlarged front sight, giving it superior target sighting capability. The regular hammer’s been replaced with a ring hammer. That enhances the cocking control and increases the hammer-down speed. They also reworked the grip safety to accommodate the ring hammer. It looks like they eliminated it altogether. This is a tool for pros. The thumb safety and slide stop are extended for precise handling. The base of the trigger guard is whittled down so you can use a high grip, and the trigger itself is a long type for easy finger access. The trigger pull is about 3.5 pounds. that’s about a pound and a half lighter than normal. The magazine well has been widened to make it easier to put in a new magazine. The magazine catch button has been filed down low to make it harder to hit it by mistake. The mainspring housing has been changed to a flat type to increase grip, and it’s even been fitted with stepping so that it won’t slip from the recoil when firing. On top of that, they added cocking serrations to the top part of the slide. That lets you load and eject cartridges faster in an emergency. Whoever did this is a professional, no question. This thing could shoot a one-hole at 25 yards in a machine rest.”

      • @[email protected]
        66 days ago

        Just take the safety off. It’s a mechanical device that can and will fail when you need it most. The best safety you have is yourself and rigidly held gun handling rules.

          • @[email protected]
            46 days ago

            It’s a 1911…it has two external safeties at least. Glock fans like to say they’re monsters that shoot you in the leg for fun.

            I feel like our downvoted homie was making a joke in line with the copypasta.

              • @[email protected]
                35 days ago

                No worries. I didn’t assume anything negative - just wanted to answer. 1911 fudd vs Glock arguments aren’t exactly mainstream.

                Typically there’s no cross-bolt safety on a 1911. Slide lock and beavertail are the main ones. The beavertail is on the back of the handgrip, and it’s supposed to be particular - the force is supposed to be at the top for it to disengage the safety.

                Most people consider the cross-bolt to be a safety, so they sort of suggested a firearm with no “safety” have the safety removed.

          • Liz
            35 days ago

            I am generally against safeties on pistols because they should stay holstered if you’re carrying them, and the holster acts as the safety by blocking access to the trigger. If you’re in the act of shooting the gun, the saftey routinely gets in the way and requires training in an extra step before firing, something that could be a problem in an emergency. A common way to lose a violent encounter while carrying a gun is to fail to actually shoot your gun.

            A rifle needs a safety because there’s no good way to block accidental trigger pulls like that, since you have to open carry to have any reasonable amount of access.

            • @[email protected]
              35 days ago

              Anyone carrying a gun in a holster should be required have sufficient training to use the safety properly.

              It gives you more time to think before killing something and also protects you from someone grabbing the gun or someone else mishandling your gun if it leaves your possession.

              • Liz
                25 days ago

                That’s not how defensive pistol use works. I would suggest watching a bunch of videos from the Active Self Protection YouTube channel if you want to see how self defense pistol encounters go. But no, there’s not enough time or space to pull your gun out and then contemplate using it. If you have that kind of time for reflection, you have the opportunity to disengage or de-escalate which should always be what you’re working towards.

          • Liz
            25 days ago

            I am generally against safeties on pistols because they should stay holstered if you’re carrying them, and the holster acts as the safety by blocking access to the trigger. If you’re in the act of shooting the gun, the saftey routinely gets in the way and requires training in an extra step before firing, something that could be a problem in an emergency. A common way to lose a violent encounter while carrying a gun is to fail to actually shoot your gun.

            A rifle needs a safety because there’s no good way to block accidental trigger pulls like that, since you have to open carry to have any reasonable amount of access.

            • @[email protected]
              35 days ago

              If you’re in the act of shooting the gun, the saftey routinely gets in the way and requires training in an extra step before firing,

              Sounds like a good thing to me. How long could it possibly take?

              • Liz
                25 days ago

                It’s not actually the amount of time that it takes that’s the problem. With pistols that have safeties, the proper training is (usually) to turn the safety off when raising the gun. The problem is that it’s a critical step you can mess up or forget to do under stress. Then you’re left with a dead trigger having just pulled a gun in a situation you viewed as dangerous enough to require shooting someone. You’re also stressed to hell and unlikely to think “oh yes, my safety!” Throw in that these kinds of situations are ones where half a second can make a big difference, and the saftey is just another thing that can go wrong.

                There’s certainly tradeoffs, since not having a safety means it’s more likely your mistakes will result in a round being fired, but you can layer other procedures and devices to minimize that risk. In the end, it’s a feature that even the gun community can’t agree on, which is why some guns have them and some don’t.

            • KillingTimeItself
              5 days ago

              If you’re in the act of shooting the gun, the saftey routinely gets in the way and requires training in an extra step before firing, something that could be a problem in an emergency. A common way to lose a violent encounter while carrying a gun is to fail to actually shoot your gun.

              i have a massive counter for you. If you aren’t trained well enough to be able to disengage the safety when needed.

              you probably shouldn’t be using a gun in an act of self defense

              in case you haven’t picked up on what im saying you need to train

              • Liz
                25 days ago

                The amount of training is kinda-sorta irrelevant. The amount of training you should be putting in is way higher than the amount you need to master the safety. But, the amount of training you need to put in is also high enough that you won’t ever have to rely on the saftey to prevent the gun from firing. So for me, if I can handle the gun without having to rely on a safety, that’s just one less thing that could go wrong and prevent me from firing my gun when I want to.

                A pistol can be carried so that either

                1. the trigger is inaccessible
                2. The gun is in my hand

                You also set up your draw-stroke so that there’s no risk of the trigger catching on anything. With those conditions, the only thing a safety would do is prevent you from pulling the trigger. You shouldn’t have your finger on the trigger unless you’ve made the decision to fire, so the safety isn’t adding any value.

                The safety does have value on a rifle, where it’s harder to prevent things from hooking inside the trigger guard (since you will be carrying it uncontrolled with the trigger exposed) but a pistol doesn’t have the same manual of arms and, in my opinion, your carry gun shouldn’t have a safety.

                • KillingTimeItself
                  24 days ago

                  The amount of training is kinda-sorta irrelevant. The amount of training you should be putting in is way higher than the amount you need to master the safety. But, the amount of training you need to put in is also high enough that you won’t ever have to rely on the saftey to prevent the gun from firing. So for me, if I can handle the gun without having to rely on a safety, that’s just one less thing that could go wrong and prevent me from firing my gun when I want to.

                  i guess so but i’d still just argue that you should be training with the safety, such that it’s so second nature to you, it literally wouldn’t matter whether it exists or not.

  • HurkieDrubman
    1306 days ago

    oh god. my first girlfriend’s dad showed me his gun collection the first time I visited the house and I got so absorbed in field stripping his MAK-90 that I forgot she was there

  • AItoothbrush
    896 days ago

    Tbh i dont understand this. Probably because im european plus im tired but i cant figure it out.

    • @[email protected]
      1756 days ago

      Dad shows a gun to show OP he’s a badass. Op doesn’t realize and shows his gun.

      Common American culture is that you’re supposed to show your gun on the third date with the family, not the first. You’re also supposed to have a Mexican standoff when you walk into the house, with dad aiming at you, you’re aiming at dad, dog aims at GF, etc. And if he’s lucky, they have a rousing game of Russian roulette before tapas.

      Totally understandable if you didn’t know. Just basic 2A knowledge every American learns about during elementary school.

      • @And009
        766 days ago

        Thanks for explaining the culture, they never show real America in the movies

        • Queen HawlSera
          35 days ago

          It’s important to remember if you’re ever in Los Angeles, New York, or Miami, all three of the major American cities.

      • @[email protected]
        476 days ago

        I guess this is where the concept of the “nuclear family” comes from then? After the initial courtship hostilities, the escalation of the arms race is inevitable.

      • classic
        186 days ago

        You start learning it in day care depending on the region

          • @[email protected]
            126 days ago

            Yeah, it does Give them a slightly unfair advantage over the active shooter, that’s why the cops had to wait, they were required to give them a head start.

            A surprising amount of rules involved in it.

          • @[email protected]
            6 days ago

            Cheapskate parents, actually. Most parents get their kids a BALCS carrier with level III soft inserts, some ESAPI plates, and a level III or IIIa helmet. But some parents cheap out and just get their kid a backpack and split a set of plates between kids.

        • @[email protected]
          76 days ago

          The first sentence is real, the rest is just a fun bit of hyperbole. It really is not that common for an overprotective father to brandish a gun at his daughter’s new boyfriend, but it has happened enough times to become something of a trope.

    • @[email protected]
      586 days ago

      To give you a slightly more serious answer, there’s a trope in America of the girl friend’s dad doing something to “subtly intimidate” the boy friend by casually cleaning a gun or having one within sight the first time they meet. The implication of course is supposed to be something along the lines of “I’ve got this and if you try anything funny with my daughter, I’ll use it on you”

      It’s dumb but I’ve also known more than a few people who have experienced this first hand.

      • @[email protected]
        76 days ago

        Yeah, I went to senior prom with my friend. I didn’t have a license or a car yet, so my aunt drove us there in her baseball team van, and she was gonna drive us both home too. Suuuper romantic. Her dad met us there, pulled me aside to show me his little pocket knife and threatened to castrate me. I just laughed at him. We were both virgins, so far as I knew. While in hindsight she had a crush on me, I was way too awkward, nerdy, religious, and oblivious to realize. Sex never even crossed my mind as a possibility.

    • @[email protected]
      366 days ago

      It’s a thing that basic dickhead fathers look forward to doing; threatening their daughter’s boyfriend in case he ever thinks he and his girlfriend might ever want to have sex.

  • @[email protected]
    1026 days ago

    I mean yeah, funny greentext, fake and gay and all, but is that an actual thing that happens across the big pond?

    If someone did that in Europe they’d be in serious legal trouble if the threatened party sues.

    • @[email protected]
      6 days ago

      Sounds legal overall for America. “Brandishing” is generally illegal, i.e pulling out your gun and pointing it at or actively threatening someone with it, regardless if you fire it.

      Pulling out your legal gun in your home and setting it flat on your table? Hard to argue it was a threatening without a stated threat or some other action. It may have been one, but id be suprised if anyone would arrest someone over that.

      OP pulling his own gun does make this a hilarious and potentially deadly situation. It’s very possible the father is a scared pissbaby and just starts blasting.

    • @[email protected]
      226 days ago

      Never had someone point a gun at me like that, but I dated a girl in college that had a dickhead 2nd amendment gun nut dad who never missed an opportunity to mention he had guns and wasn’t afraid to use them if I “didn’t take good care of his daughter.” It didn’t intimidate me in the slightest though, and just let me know he was a scared, insecure loser.

    • @[email protected]
      166 days ago

      Just a few southern states, and outliers. But really, not so much now. It happened once when I was a kid and the dad was an asshole, so I married his daughter to spite him. Couple decades later and I regret that marriage and wish I would have went with my first instinct and asked if he wanted me to clean it because it was dirty.

      • @[email protected]
        56 days ago

        This idiotic bullshit happens all over, it’s just more concentrated in the South.

        This happened to a friend of mine from the UK in fixing Minnesota. He had NO context for what was happening and almost shit his pants.

    • @[email protected]
      6 days ago

      I had just finished my range day and I had my guns stripped for cleaning when my step daughter dropped of my son for his weekend visit with her boyfriend.

      I wasn’t trying to flex or anything, but I did find it funny. Luckily she married a different guy after college.

        • @[email protected]
          6 days ago

          I literally don’t understand the relationships in his comment. I simply can’t get my head around it

          • @[email protected]
            146 days ago

            OP (dad), married a woman and accepted her daughter into the family, making her his stepdaughter. We’ll call her Drake. Dad already had a son from a previous marriage. We’ll call the son Josh. Drake and Josh became close stepsiblings. Drake started dating a boy, who we’ll call Freddy. Drake introduced Freddy to Josh, and they hang out every week at Josh’s place to play Overwatch. Drake brought Freddy to her house, where dad was cleaning his guns, just in time for Freddy to walk past on his way to Josh’s room.

          • @[email protected]
            66 days ago

            I think his stepdaughter, with her boyfriend, dropped off his son for the son’s weekend visit with him (him being the commenter, the father).

            It reads like his son was visiting his stepdaughter’s boyfriend. Maybe it is that, but it’d be odd.

          • @[email protected]
            66 days ago

            Lemme know if you figure it out, I’ve read his comment about 12× and still scratching my head.

            • @[email protected]
              46 days ago

              Woman has daughter. Woman marries man. Man and woman have son. I guess man and woman break up? Son has weekly visits to man, daughter of woman brings son to man. Or maybe son goes to boarding school or something 🤷‍♂️

              That is the reasonable explanation. If you want to imagine the situation with a banjo soundtrack nobody is stopping you.

              • @[email protected]
                26 days ago

                Naw, no banjo. Was just super confused.
                Your line of reasoning seems sound, let’s just go with that until we hear from OP.

    • @[email protected]
      36 days ago

      LOL no they wouldn’t. Unless your kitchen has a camera, it’d be practically impossible to prove.

    • @[email protected]
      16 days ago

      It’s by dudes that claim to have fucked a lot of bitches in their early years. It’s not as serious as it sounds. Well. The best part is reminding them of what they claim they did if they talk like that.

      They almost never have their guns at work.

  • AlexisFR
    676 days ago

    Repost + it’s missing the rest of the joke at the end.

      • @[email protected]
        606 days ago

        The boyfriend interpreted as a bonding moment.

        The father meant his placing the gun as a threat and got “called” on his bluff and gets angry.

        • WIZARD POPE💫
          266 days ago

          I mean I kinda understand the threat and bonding mismatch from what we have. The part where he gets angry is missing.

          • FauxPseudo
            105 days ago

            Dad doesn’t like losing the illusion of power. He thinks it’s perfectly fine to threaten someone but is a hypocrite the moment he met with equal force. So they tried gaslighting and getting defensive and blaming the person that they tried to threaten.

  • @[email protected]
    6 days ago

    I am pretty sure I am not allowed to pull out and place even an airsoft gun on the table where I live. The rules clearly state that it must be kept locked in a safe. That would be an easy way to get someone’s license revoked if you record it…

      • @[email protected]
        65 days ago

        They must not be Americans. I envy them, but at least when I eat my own weight in pizza it’s actually good pizza.

      • @[email protected]
        15 days ago

        Yup. You first prove that you are sane and have no criminal background, your local government provides you with a certificate for that. And then you acknowledge that you know the rules and stuff. The final step is paying a small yearly fee.

    • @[email protected]
      306 days ago

      I don’t think this is legal basically anywhere. In the US, this would be brandishing or threatening with a deadly weapon.

      • @[email protected]
        426 days ago

        It’d be hard to prove brandishing. As another poster said, it’s a legal weapon, in the homeowners abode, placed on the table, not pointed at or waived at the person, with nothing said around it. It’d be really hard to prove anything. He’ll, look at the white couple that was literally brandishing their guns and they almost got away with it.

      • @[email protected]
        6 days ago

        Yeah maybe. Doesn’t seem to stop redneck fathers of teenage girls in conservative states. They consider it a rite of passage for fatherhood.

        • @[email protected]
          186 days ago

          My FIL did a gun cleaning night when I was first taking his daughter out on dates. Had 3 guns disassembled on the kitchen table and let me know they’d be reassembled by the time I brought her home. He’s a really nice guy, but yes, that shit is “normal” in the US

          • @[email protected]
            66 days ago

            Back in my college days I was picking a GF up from her dads house and walked up to him sitting on the porch with a rifle in his lap. He was cool with me but it was still awkward. I was just like “… shooting stuff?”. “God damn squirrels won’t stay out of my garden”.

        • @[email protected]
          55 days ago

          I had a high school girlfriend whose dad pulled that bullshit. I realized quickly that I didn’t like her enough to deal with that level of crazy.

  • southsamurai
    546 days ago

    Hell, that could work fine. At least there’s one big button issue they would agree on for sure.

  • Titou
    256 days ago

    Is that a “who has a bigger dick” competiton ?

  • Maeve
    206 days ago

    There’s my daily literal lol. Thanks OP!