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I just want to take a moment real quick to highlight that you wrote out the phrase “Ronald Reagan ball skins.”
- FREE! rootkit with every install
- Progression system with skill trees for paddles, launcher, and tilt
- Level-locked missions
- 150% XP Time SaverTM sold separately. Eat my ass, Ubisoft!
- Daily login rewards with bonus for no days missed
- Pay to have loot boxes dropped onto the table (you have to hit them to unlock, so it’s totally not gambling!)
- Visual downgrade controversy, for some reason
Isn’t there already a remaster? I came around this one from the KDE discovery.
That’s a port, not a remaster. Man, that thing made party like it’s 1995. Thanks for the link.
It’s not really a remaster, it’s an open-source re-implementation. But I guess it could be used as a base for a remaster
Who needs a remaster? This is perfect.
What is there to remaster?
How about a web version?
For anyone on Android, you can get the game here
There is also an open source version you can get on Github for android
… and that was the end of my productivity for the day.
I’ll let Dave explain:
And here’s the blog from the other guy -
Hey, Dave!
If only I could be as cool as that Dave.
Best comment here, please remember to boost this post so people can see it!
You can find several ports of pinball on GitHub. is the android version I like to use.
Wow, right in the nostalgia.
Twas remastered in 2021 in the Microsoft Store my dude. Have fun
I just tried it, and wow, that is really bad actually. Genuinely much worse than finding a download of the original version.
Do you happen to know where I could find an original download?
You can always go check out Dave’s garage on YouTube hes got a nice video on it and links to aquire it
Looks like that one is from 2013 and last updated in 2015, so what happened to 2021?
You can’t remaster that which is already perfection
Are we going to have a community that is focused on gaming discussion and another focused on memes and low-effort posts? Or are they going to be combined?
idk about you but this is a valid question that could be discussed if you werent so full of yourself
Agreed because I don’t like the OP for being a low effort meme, but also I feel like if there’s a community you’re interested in, just go make it.
Especially as people migrate off of Reddit and Lemmy grows. Anyone coming from Reddit who was interested in games knows there is a demand for a discussion/news based community like r/games
Honestly, a community like /r/games without the power mod approach to what articles can be posted would be really nice.
It’s definitely a valid question though, because Lemmy is going to be just as vulnerable as reddit to the problem of how much quicker low-effort memes accrue upvotes, which naturally results in them drowning out articles and discussion posts. The latter, despite being more interesting and generally “higher-quality”, will always take more time per-user to engage with - so, in systems like this, they naturally fall behind in both pace and volume of upvote.
ah yes the gaming v games debate continues on a new platform, very interesting
It would be soo cool if they open-sourced this game at this point.
… like why not?
Well lucky for you someone has already done the work! SpaceCadetPinball
Honestly I’m bored enough to open Unity and get to work, but someone’s probably already got a project on GitHub.
Speaking of windows 95, any nostalgia communities yet?
Make one, I’ll sub.
Careful what you wish for. 2024 EA announces remaster of Zen Pinball.
They made a remake for Windows store a while ago, and it was awful
Don’t touch perfection!