• @[email protected]
    995 days ago

    This is why it’s so frustrating to see people saying they won’t vote because Biden is old (yes) and supports Israel (mostly true, albeit more complicated than that). Neat, but if Trump gets reelected, I’d be willing to bet that most of the conservative justices suddenly retire and we end up with a bunch of 35 year olds with lifetime appointments who can spend decades fucking stuff up. Hooray!

    • TurboWafflz
      615 days ago

      It’s so dumb, I don’t understand why people just refuse to think about the long term consequences instead of just “i want to vote for the perfect person right now so if no one is perfect i won’t vote.” Like I know Biden is a terrible candidate, but like I’d personally like to still have a department of education by the next election???

      • @Big_Boss_77
        235 days ago

        Honestly… I’d just settle for a next election…

      • @[email protected]
        84 days ago

        If they can’t grasp they are voting for a executive branch run by thousands of people either attached to one 80 year old or the other is the reality of this, it’s going to be hard to convince them.

        Trump wins that means we’re back to the foxes running the hen house in every government office, all the worst of Trump cronyism will be back and 1000x worse.

      • @[email protected]
        14 days ago

        You know whats dumb? Sticking by geriatric mentally infirm candidates. Literally they say on every network on TV that this election will be decided by double haters (people who hate both candidates), yet the population refuses to vote third party (such as the wonderful Chase Oliver who is on the ballot in all fifty states) despite the establishment clearly showing it refuses to change. You are the dumb one to me, you defend a terrible candidate who isn’t even all there, tell me how he defeated medicare during his term?

        • TurboWafflz
          94 days ago

          I would love to vote third party, but there is no chance of a third party winning until we have rank choice voting or another improved system, at this point it’s just a waste of your vote

          • @[email protected]
            24 days ago

            A waste of your vote is support a terrible candidate because thats just how its always been done. Why even vote, you don’t want actual change. The fact that everyone seems to be a double-hater while refusing to vote third party is insane. Both Biden and Trump want you to think they are the only choices, thats why they specifically refused to let anyone else at the debate.

            • TurboWafflz
              64 days ago

              A third party hasn’t won a single state since 1968. Unless you have some master plan to get enough people behind one specific candidate to make them win not just a state but the entire electoral college, it’s not going to happen. If we keep letting republicans get into power it is just going to put us further away from any kind of election reform that would allow a third party to win. If we don’t back biden, trump will win.

              • @[email protected]
                14 days ago

                My plan is to support and vote Chase Oliver and tell everyone I possibly can about him and point them to his website https://www.votechaseoliver.com/, he is also the only third party on all 50 states voter rolls. My plan is literally just to inform everyone, right now the only resistance I have is that people like you say he can not win against the two most foul and unlikeable candidates, which sounds like an excuse to stay with the status quo.

    • Optional
      315 days ago

      We already did that. Every fucked up thing the courts are doing is a trump judge for life.

      • find judge’s name
      • search
      • see who appointed them

      It’s every time.

    • Mubelotix
      3 days ago

      Don’t be angry against the players, be angry angainst the game. Your elections are shit

  • @radiohead37
    455 days ago

    Fuck this fundamentalist court. It has zero credibility.

  • @[email protected]
    214 days ago

    The Supreme Court has been fully corrupted. A dictator is probably going to win the presidency. We need to do something stat

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      Maybe the establishment shouldn’t put such a loser up for president. The Hillary Clinton defense is repugnant.

        • @[email protected]
          13 days ago

          Holding one’s nose every 4 fucking years isn’t a good system. If Biden isn’t pushed to retirement, we’re going to lose. Maybe that’s what we deserve.

          • @[email protected]
            13 days ago

            So enabling fascists as a protest of some kind is your plan?

            It’s what you deserve maybe, not the rest of us.

            • @[email protected]
              13 days ago

              No, I’ll vote for the NotTrump party. But if he still wins, I’ll just consider it part of the natural evolution of the kind of system that it is. We’ll have to fight for it back, it won’t be easy, there could be a lot of blood, but, I think, democracy is worth it.

      • Optional
        355 days ago

        Yeah here we go. Wahh the liberals love genocide and wont let us have third parties. Whatever.

        We absolutely 100% without any doubt CAN vote ourselves out of this - that is exactly how it works. It doesn’t work in 5 minutes, it’s not a videogame, but c’mon. Help paddle already.

        • @[email protected]
          55 days ago

          What’s your plan B? What will you do, if Trump wins, or Biden wins and they’ll have a successful insurrection? How will you avoid the next Trump successor?

          • Optional
            95 days ago

            What we’re supposed to do: conduct ourselves as best we can, organize and choose a candidate, and vote to elect them.

            If trump wins and they strangle democracy, of course, that’s a different and very horrible story.

            If Biden wins they will not have a successful insurrection. Any thoughts that they would are just gravy seal yammerings.

          • @[email protected]
            55 days ago

            Oh sure that is great plan.

            One man’s dissentor is another man’s dissident.

            You know what happens to dissidents?

            First, a list is created. Names are checked off, collated, cross referenced. Names become numbers.
            Numbers are collected or concentrated together. After the concentration, solutions are devised, mulled over. And then there is solution that is final.

            Fucking vote. Vote like your life depends on it. Because it fucking does.

      • @[email protected]
        145 days ago

        Well, we got this SCOTUS by abstaining in 2016. That clearly only results in giving up more rights.

    • @[email protected]
      55 days ago

      omg if you rearrange the letters it spells “BEWITCHERS” and “ML”. And we all know “ML” can only stand for one of two things:

      • machine learning, as in the robots are taking over and ruining society, or
      • :3 mlem :P