Listen honey, I frequently check the reddit dontputyourdickinthat sub, and if something ain’t listed there, you better believe I’m putting my dick in it. BTW I’m posting you there.
Well your username is certainly fitting.
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Wait until she finds out some straight people have anal sex, some gay people are asexual, and you don’t need a penis is have anal sex. That, along with lesbians and bisexual people existing, is really going to ruin her day.
a male penis? as opposed to a female penis?
I think what she’s saying is that pegging is totally fine
Why did God make it feels so good then?
To test your faith. And since God works in mysterious ways, you feel pleasure when actually this is pain. Repent your sins or burn in hell for eternity if you let penis into your ass even one time. God cares about you that much, that he will torture you forever!
Next question.
I never understood that. If god is so caring and loving, why the fuck would he send you to hell for sinning whereby you would be tortured for eternity? Fuckin religions man.
Because of mysterious ways.
Next question.