This video demonstrates two acts of sex between a man and a woman where the same man ejaculates twice to the same woman. The man ejaculates for the first round onto the woman’s abdomen and navel after he withdraws his penis from his sexual partner’s vagina during their unprotected sex. The woman seems pleased when she sees how much semen her sexual partner ejaculates. The man then rubs his penis focusing on the glans. He ejaculates for the second round into the woman’s mouth and onto her face while she lies on her back. Note that semen from two ejaculations differs. Semen from the former ejaculation is thicker and more in volume than semen from the latter. After the man’s second ejaculation, the woman licks the man’s glans penis. Both acts are typical of cumshots in 2010s and 2020s heterosexual pornographic productions. Actors: Aaronson Andrew, Rory Knox.

Used on the Commons category page for “Cumshots”

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