• @[email protected]
    1543 months ago

    The trumpanzees would lose their fucking minds. Trump could choke to death on Putin’s dick on live TV and it’d still be pitched as some kind of deep-state hit job.

    There would likely be a lot of violence.

    • @[email protected]
      103 months ago

      They would claim it was deepfakes and he would become the new Elvis, spotted all over the place years later even though he was dead

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      The conspiracy theory would be like in Killer Elite with Jason Statham, but this time in the bathroom instead of a special floor tile hammer, seal team 6 with a penis hammer.

      (PS: I tried to google a harmless penis hammer fun picture for illustration reasons, but holy fuck, whats wrong with some people, sounding, nailing, smashing, … 😮).

  • Tiefling IRL
    553 months ago

    I know some other Republican sycophant will fill the vacuum, but please don’t tempt me with a good time. I want to live long enough to throw an obituary party.

      • @[email protected]
        293 months ago

        Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to remember a tremendous life, a life like no other, believe me. Donald J. Trump, a man of great success, unmatched, really. He built an empire, folks, a fantastic, beautiful empire. The Trump Organization, Trump Tower, the best real estate, absolutely the best. And let’s not forget, he was the 45th President of the United States, a job he did like no one else could.

        He made America great again, folks. Jobs, jobs, jobs, everywhere. The economy was booming, the best economy we’ve ever seen, they say. He fought hard, so hard, for the American people. Drained the swamp, big league. He dealt with foreign leaders, and they respected him. They did, they really did.

        Donald J. Trump was a family man, a fantastic father, and a wonderful husband. Melania, Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, Tiffany, and Barron, all incredible, wonderful people. He loved them dearly, and they loved him.

        He will be remembered as a patriot, a winner, a man who never stopped fighting for what he believed in. He believed in America, folks. He believed in you. And he will be missed. But we will carry on, we will keep fighting, and we will never forget the legacy of Donald J. Trump. Thank you, thank you very much.

        • PlzGivHugs
          3 months ago

          Far too coherent. There isn’t even any random tangents.

          • @[email protected]
            93 months ago

            Still no real tangents. Part of me wants to keep feeding it back into itself to see if it will break, but I also don’t want to devote any further time or energy into thinking about him.

            Prompt: Nope, far too coherent and on point. Trumpier.


            Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today, and it’s a tremendous day, a very sad day, but also tremendous, because we are remembering the greatest, the best, Donald J. Trump. Nobody did it like Trump, folks, nobody. He had the biggest buildings, the best buildings. Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster – the most luxurious places, everyone said so. He built an empire, folks, a yuge empire. The best real estate, the best golf courses, the best everything.

            And then he became president, the 45th president, the best president, believe me. They said it couldn’t be done, but he did it. He made America great again. The economy, folks, the best economy we’ve ever seen. Jobs, jobs, jobs, everywhere. The stock market, through the roof. And the wall, he built the wall, a beautiful wall. He took on China, he took on everyone. The fake news won’t tell you, but they all respected him. They all feared him.

            He was a family man, a fantastic family man. Melania, so beautiful, so elegant, the best first lady. Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, Tiffany, and Barron – all incredible, just incredible. The Trump family, the best family. He loved them so much, and they loved him.

            And let’s not forget, he was a patriot, a real patriot. He loved this country, he fought for this country. He believed in winning, and he won, folks, he won bigly.

            We will never forget him. We will always remember the legacy of Donald J. Trump. We will keep fighting, we will keep winning. Thank you, thank you very much. God bless you all, and God bless the memory of Donald J. Trump.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        Today, we say goodbye to Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, folks. He was a great guy, believe me. He made America great again, the best anyone’s ever seen.

        He built tall buildings, really tall, with his name on them, huge success. And he had a big, beautiful plane, Trump Force One, amazing. Some people liked him, some didn’t, but that’s okay.

        Now he’s gone, but people will remember him for a long time, a very long time. Goodbye, Mr. Trump. You were tremendous, really.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I feel like that’s just an excuse to let hitler-like people to what the fuck they want.

  • Th4tGuyII
    543 months ago

    While I wouldn’t wish death on anyone, it would probably be one of the better things to happen to American politics this year, as you’d essentially be beheading the MAGA movement - it is unlikely that anyone else could retake those reigns with how centred the movement is around Trump specifically, man’s practically worshipped like a new Jesus to them.

    • Chainweasel
      203 months ago

      While I wouldn’t wish death on anyone

      The world would be a genuinely better place if Trump fell over dead before the election, I want a better world, therefore I DO wish the worst stroke medically possible upon Donald Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I don’t want someone to go kill him, but I absolutely wish that he would drop dead without the slightest moral reservation.

      My only concern is that however he were to die, everyone on the right would go full conspiracy theory and blame it on the left, and somehow we’d be worse off in ways I can’t imagine right now. The right always seems to find a way to make me regret any turn of events that I thought was good.

  • @[email protected]
    503 months ago

    The rest of the world breathes a sigh of relief.

    We kinda have a lot riding on the US remaining a relatively incorrupt democratic superpower.

    Putin is very obviously angling to start a world war with the US as a useful-idiot ally if trump gets even a day in office again.

    • @[email protected]
      253 months ago

      Putin doesn’t want a world war, he is more interested in having the west just roll over and letting him retake the former countries of the Soviet Union

      • @[email protected]
        133 months ago

        Of course, but that pretty much can only result in a world war

        Do you really think he stops once the former Soviet countries are under his control?

        If Trump gets elected, the modern world of relative peace ends and we’re thrown into chaos and suffering with possibly no easy way back to stability.

          • @[email protected]
            83 months ago

            That’s like saying your boyfriend doesn’t want to hit you, you’ve just not done exactly as he said, so he had to hit you.

            I’m sure Putin would be happy if the whole world made him the supreme leader, without a single conflict. But that’s not really the way the world works, his actions can have no other outcome than a world war. It’s up to the rest of us to prevent this in whatever way possible.

            • @[email protected]
              63 months ago

              Correct, Putin is behaving like an abusive partner.

              He never expected Ukraine and the west to do so well against him, and since we don’t have any police to call in this case the abuser won’t be taken to jail and keeps fighting.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            Like all fascists, he innately assumes the other side won’t fight back. Like an idiot child daydreaming about a fist fight.

  • @[email protected]
    313 months ago

    The Maga movement is definable as a High Control Organization, and Trump is the Prophet.

    If he dies one of two things could happen, either 1) a new “great leader” is able to consolidate the base and keep the movement going, or 2) nobody is able to recreate that charisma enough to reform the movement, and as a result the entire thing collapses in on itself.

    Trump suddenly dropping dead of old age would make the second very likely, he made a point of making the top echelons of the RNC dangerous to anyone who could make option one happen, because he sees anyone capable of that as a challenger to his authority. The king has no heir.

    I genuinely think Trump dying of old age would produce similar results to the Republican Party that the Deaths of JFK and RFK (not the brain worm one) had on the Democratic Party. The fact that his base of support is on the older side would probably add to the despair of the whole thing, being a reminder that their time is similarly short.

    I don’t think we’ll see very many of the cult snap out of the delusion, but we’d certainly see some have rather public breakdowns facing the absolute nothingness their devotion has wrought.

    At best, they got a high for a few moments and returned to the state of despair they had been previously chasing the high to escape, at worst, they’ve lost all their support system to the sheer disgust they’ve felt over the cultist’s indoctrination, leading to the wam bam combo of the despair in combination with inescapable loneliness, remember, a lot of these people are really just the “make the kids come back to thanksgiving again!” caucus.

    I don’t think we’ll see infighting or civil warring among the ranks of the Redcaps, what we’ll see is people who think that expressing grief makes you weak attempt to cope with what they’ll see as their messiah just dying unceremoniously from the same hand that’s reaching closer and closer for them every day, and before they got the rewards of vindication they had been promised by him.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      Wow, i would like you to describe more in detail what these people think, your depiction so far is very clear

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        They’re basically all children who never grew up. They’re nostalgic for when they were young and the world wasn’t as scary feeling, and decades of being told that those times weren’t the best for everyone have prompted them to backlash and double down. Trump is their messiah because he made them feel unjudged wanting to return to their childhood times of simplicity. Another reason why him dying of old age would really put a lot of these people well into the depressive mindset.

        I mockingly refer to this dynamic as them clinging to him having made them feel safe to say the N word, but having dealt with my own missing my childhood brought on by my mom hitting a very solid old people decline milestone, I’ve learned to be understanding if not sympathetic to what’s actually going on here.

        Of course over tens of millions of cult members there are other parts in each individual, undiagnosed narcissism being the biggest one, hence why they’re all so furious about the idea of their kids no contacting them over their beliefs. There’s also the despair factor of the opiate crisis and the abandonment of exurban and rural settlements by young folks.

        When these people see young folks getting horny for a highly developed high speed rail network, what they see is young people conspiring to not even have to come visit when passing through on a road trip anymore, and making city roads less accomodating to trucks and minivans in favor of pedestrianization just rubs salt in the wound by making them unable to go confront them for never calling anymore.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          The narcissistic aspect really nails it. These are people who cannot, are probably literally incapable of, seeing past themselves and their own feelings and views. I love how you phrased it as “they see is young people conspiring to not even have to come visit.”

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Woah thank you so much for taking the time. I really struggle to understand this people. This does make sense.

  • Chainweasel
    223 months ago

    I’m sure NYT and CNN would have a laundry list of reasons of why it was bad for Biden.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      The truth is it would undermine the main reason to continue supporting Biden. That’s also why partisan democrats in Congress conveniently forgot about section 3 of the 14th amendment.

      • @Semjaza
        23 months ago

        “The Democrats have fielded the only candidate who could lose against Trump, and the Republicans have the only candidate who could lose to Biden.”

  • @[email protected]
    143 months ago

    Liberals completely drop their guard and the republicans put someone up who is actually smart but still follows the far right agenda. Trump is chaotic (inept) evil at best, but the danger is getting lawful intelligent evil in.

    • Stern
      43 months ago

      Feel like a fair amount are voting Trump cuz he’s Trump. Cult of personality minus the personality just falls apart. I think even with someone who was 50 the numbers wouldnt budge a lot owing to that.

  • Zier
    113 months ago

    There will be a party that lasts for 4 years!!! Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead.

  • Hate
    103 months ago

    And more importantly, how would affect LeBron’s legacy.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    It’d be a toss-up at that point, depending on who they put up before the election. Maybe Nikki Haley could actually win again Biden? The other non-candidates that ran during the primaries don’t seem like they’d fare well. That’d be hilarious if the party most opposed to women’s rights were to get the first female president in office. Losing Trump would be a speedbump for Conservatives though, they’re moving towards trying to take America down the road of a theocracy, I’m not sure that losing Trump would really stop that, they’re pretty much committed to making it happen at some point.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      I really feel trump’s organization would fall apart without his authoritarian grasp on the party. None of them are ruthless enough to take his place, base enough to speak to his base, and foolish enough to believe they’re right.