Do you think the AMPs will have more business than usual during the July 4th weekend?

  • @TheNightOwl
    32 months ago

    I went to two on July 5th. The first one in the late morning. Parking lot was full but I went in anyway to check it out. There is one gal in particular who does everything I like, so figured I’d give it a shot as I really wanted to see her. Four girls working and a one hour wait, so I left.

    Went to one on the other side of town. I had been wanting to check it out anyway, as they have two new girls working there now. It was mellow and relaxed, I had a great time. I asked her if it was busy on the 4th, she said “Not at all. Not busy today either”.

    So kind of a coin toss I guess. Some places busy, others not so much.

  • @TheNightOwl
    22 months ago

    I plan on going to one on the 5th. I also wondered if they will be more busy on the 4th of July, as well as the weekend. I live in a touristy area and the weather is nice right now so I imagine so. Guess I’ll find out soon enough! I’l report back here after I’ve gone.

  • @throwawayaug
    22 months ago

    From what I hear today they should be slower than usual, but during the weekend they might be busier.

  • @will363
    22 months ago

    I went Friday morning, usual spot had 3 cars parked there. I went home, will go again this AM, never busy Sunday AM

  • @yuuki_ichinoseOP
    12 months ago

    Maybe I will ask the same question in Labor Day… lol