“I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving," he said in a call to the broader campaign

  • @[email protected]
    1043 months ago

    Trump didn’t answer a single fucking question and blathered on just as much- yet of course the focus is ALL on Biden. Trump didn’t even have to show up.

    The hate was there before it began.

    Not a word about what “King” Trump said or did…. And here we are. America deserves Trump at this point.

    • @[email protected]
      403 months ago

      There are two ways to look at this. In one respect you can say why the hell are so many Americans still not grasping just how bad Trump is?

      But then you need to assume the responsibility of being the more informed party and adjust your strategy not for the electorate you want but for the electorate you have.

      And that electorate is demanding a better candidate for Democrats to appeal to said uninformed undecided swing state voters who will decide this election.

    • Praise Idleness
      373 months ago

      Trump didn’t answer a single fucking question

      And that was the best strat for him. Biden was falling apart himself. Letting the man talk was the winning strategy. He was lying and exaggerating but at the end of the day, Biden’s performance was so embarrasingly bad that they didn’t even matter

    • @[email protected]
      233 months ago

      America deserves Trump at this point.

      The rest of the world doesn’t, he’ll mess things up far beyond the US. Encouraging Russia/North Korea, weakening NATO, all sorts of trade wars, there’s so much he could throw a wrench in.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Agreed, but what are we to do at this point. I’m going to vote my ass off but I am afraid it’s not going to be enough.

    • @[email protected]
      113 months ago

      America deserves Trump at this point.

      Only the people who vote for him deserve him. Kinda how that works.

  • Optional
    883 months ago


    When these two debates were announced, I knew it was going to be fucked up, but NO. Oooh he’s got to debate! He’ll show everyone how bad trump is! He needs to do it to help the undecideds!

    Fucking insane gibberish of a person who learned NOTHING from 2016. We got away with it in 2020 on the sheer novelty of an adult, a representative of government, telling trump to shut the fuck up. Now that was good tv. But it was a one-off.

    And now look at this shit. These fuckheads who can’t wait to elect trump are all up in here going “ooooh noooo Biden’s so bad he’s making us have trump be elected!1!!”

    Goddammit. The fucking “Operation gENoSiDE jOe” wasn’t gaining enough traction so THANK FUCK a bunch of Harvard MBA fuckups roundly decided Joe should stand on stage with a demented socopathic rapist who is functionally incapable of telling the truth and, y’know, give folks in the rural areas a little of the ol’, y’know, compare and contrast! What a goddamned brilliant idea. Hey! Let’s do it twice! Yeah! We are soooo smrt.

    Son of a fucking bitch, now we have to watch this garbage-truck-off-a-cliff-in-slow-motion for probably the next three months while all the Li’l Che Guevaras pile in every thread like clowns in a decrepit, backfiring bus, farting and defecating the same pointless key phrases over and over.

    DNC, you fucked up again because you refuse to understand how media works. Trumps out here kicking in windows and laughing and you guys are faxing press releases to republiQan-run news organizations and hoping their spin isn’t terrible. Christ in a bucket.

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      They fucked up losing Bernie Sanders, easy 8 years (people would have grown to love him)

        • Optional
          73 months ago

          No argument from me. Except that it passed already and, well, gestures to everything

    • @[email protected]
      103 months ago

      Has it ever occurred to you the short bus Che Guevaras were farting the phrases because they saw this coming?

      • Optional
        53 months ago

        They saw Biden was “too unelectable” a year ago? Sure. That’s why they won’t shut up about it. They’re experienced campaign managers. The only reason they weren’t pulling this BS in 2016 is because they were still in middle school. Well, and also because Hillary was polling at 99% the whole time.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Oh yeah, of course, people are opposed to genocide because it’s a psyop. Let me guess, Russia is behind it too.

  • @[email protected]
    783 months ago

    I’ll vote for any D, no matter what, but Biden is a sure loser in the general. Independents are fucking mentally defective. You need a showman to win at the margins, where this idiotic election will be decided.

    I can’t believe how many of you are so myopic as to think everything’s fine.

    • @[email protected]
      303 months ago

      So, you’d vote for literally ANY Democrat, no matter WHAT, but you think it’s the independents who are mentally defective? You think anyone who ISN’T 100% committed to political party tribalism is defective? Well, I adamantly disagree. I think it’s the unquestioningly partisan voters who are the defective ones.

      • @[email protected]
        453 months ago

        I get the whole tribalism bad thing but come on, man. How could any D be a worse choice than Trump?

        • @[email protected]
          133 months ago

          They didn’t say they would vote for any D so long as they are better than Trump, they specifically said any D no matter what. There’s a big fucking difference.

          • @[email protected]
            443 months ago

            Your reading comprehension might need work. Its very obvious they were talking about the current presidential election in which the choice is Trump or a Democrat.

      • @[email protected]
        233 months ago

        I think it’s more along the lines of “I don’t want the other guy to win” so they’d vote for a carrot over the offered Republican, who they know what they stand for. They’d prefer a better Dem, but anything to stem the bleeding.

        The mentally deficient ones are the ones that can’t seem to decide when the choices are obvious.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Again, you folks are ignoring a key part of what was written. They didn’t say they would vote for any D so long as the Ds can be considered a preferable choice by reasonable and informed people, they LITERALLY said “no matter what.” I sincerely hope you can see a difference.

          • @[email protected]
            233 months ago

            No one is ignoring anything. Well, except you, since you seem to need every bit of context spelled out for you before you can derive intended meaning from four sentences. Like fuck man, I don’t know how you get through the day with that level of incompetence.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              I get through my days perfectly fine. Quite well, actually. I’m not the incompetent here. The person said that they would vote D no matter what, and that independents must be mentally deficient. The implication couldn’t be clearer: the Democratic party represents the correct, orthodox ideology, and thus they should be supported no matter what, the Republican party represents an incorrect, heterodox ideology, and any independent who doesn’t recognize that must be mentally deficient. To illustrate my point, simply imagine the same statement only with the D replaced with an R. The problem isn’t that some people adhere to wrong ideologies, the problem is ideology itself. Everyone should be an independent, instead of adhering rigidly to one ideology or another. That doesn’t mean all ideologies are equally harmful, and many, if not most, independents know that. In fact, I think many, if not most, independents recognize that Biden and the Democrats are the less harmful of the two options, which is why I think many, if not most, independents will vote for Biden in the general election. Many people are simply confusing independents’ criticisms and displeasure as a failure to recognize that the Democrats are the less harmful option.

              • @[email protected]
                93 months ago

                As multiple people have already explained to you, in this instance, the Democratic candidate is the only realistic way forward. You are, stupidly, expanding that to all choices forever because, again, you can’t seem to pick up on context.

                You know when a walk sign on a traffic light says “walk,” and then it changes to “don’t walk”? You don’t wander into traffic because it said walk ten seconds ago, right? The poster is trying to tell you not to walk into traffic. The next election cycle, they might say something else, because the situation may have changed. Stop reading things that aren’t there.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  There was no indication the person was talking specifically about a certain instance, and there’s significant reason to believe their rhetoric is not context specific to the upcoming election alone, as this exact rhetoric has been used multiple times over multiple elections, and I have every reason to believe this exact rhetoric will continue to be used in future elections, even in elections that don’t involve Donald Trump.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                My man. Why are you arguing with these Lemmy users? They are the same people from Reddit. This argument wouldn’t go down easily on Reddit and it won’t go down here on Lemmy. They live in their own world. Reality will hit them come November. I’ve been around actual people and they are all not feeling Biden. From professionals, businessmen, tradesmen to random people in Walmart and homies sitting at the corner. They’d rather vote Trump. They don’t give a fuck about convictions or the type of person he is.

          • AbsentBird
            143 months ago

            There are currently no democratic politicians worse than trump, so it didn’t really need to be specified.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        In order to write this comment, you have to be willing to ignore the existence of cause and effect. Very willfully I’d add

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        Well, considering how much I deeply despise Trump, and that the Republican party at this point is just a straight up criminal and fascist organization, absolutely.

    • Noxy
      53 months ago

      Independent leftist here, planning on voting Biden with zero hesitation.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      When the choice is between and Felon, with many more charges coming, and just an old guy, I am super shocked at how many Americans can’t decide between democracy and a corrupt dictatorship. It’s even being presented factually to them, directly in front of their faces, and they still choose to ignore reality. As if continually doubling down will eventually work out… not sure what their plan is going to be, but they have all burned every bridge aside from other MAGA losers.

    • NoLifeGaming
      33 months ago

      Voting for democrats no matter what is a great reason why the Democratic party today doesn’t care about people and actually doing things for them. (Similar with republican party) if you always vote for them no matter and don’t withhold your votes and punish them when they don’t deliver then this will only continue.

  • @[email protected]
    653 months ago

    A New York Times poll conducted after the debate, which was published on Wednesday, suggested Trump was now holding his biggest lead yet at six points.

    And a separate poll published by the BBC’s US partner CBS News suggested Trump has a three-point lead over Mr Biden in the crucial battleground states

    Him refusing to listen to voters is reason enough to replace him.

    But Joe can’t win without Dem voters. Every indication is he’s willing to hand trump the presidency out of spite if the party doesn’t force him out.

    He’s not fit to be president, even if we beat Trump. We’re stuck with this shit where Biden does whatever the fuck he wants, and rarely agrees with the people who put him in office.

    • @[email protected]
      273 months ago

      I mean, this is the kind of messaging we should expect from the office until the exact moment he flips. There isn’t anything really “new” in this BBC article, its mostly a rehash of several other articles and polls that have come out since last Thursday.

      I’m still holding out for an announcement this evening/ tomorrow morning, but I am becoming less confident in that. I’m still confident that Biden isn’t going to be the nominee, but he’s creating a significant cost associated with him continuing to run as a lost-cause candidate. We need to move on and regroup, and we’re running out of time to do so.

      At this point, Biden needs to basically recover 30 points in the polling to overcome the disadvantage we know he carries going into a general (we have seen how he underperforms his polling on election day; we also know that Trump typically outperforms his polling on election day). A thirty point swing at this point is a statistical impossibility, for those being practical about the matter. I can post the analysis again, but no swing of that magnitude has ever happened this close to election day. Ever. Based on his current polling, Biden has a less than 1% probability of winning, which is to say, basically impossible.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              … what candidate…

              AOC would be electrifying. But you’ve pretty clearly already decided that it’s not possible to win with literally anyone except checks notes Joseph fucking Biden, a candidate that people didn’t even want to vote for last time.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Ah yes. This old tired canard.

            Tell me you don’t understand XKCD without telling me you don’t understand XKCD.

        • @[email protected]
          103 months ago

          Even changing the nominee is risky at this point.

          So is not replacing him, and the hand wringing around it being a problem is a significant contributor to this mess lasting as long as it has.

          The right answer is to go to an open convention and duke it out the way its always been done in the past. At least bring back some semblance of democracy to the Democratic party; you’ll get a SHIT ton of coverage on the matter; it will turn into a real horse race and get people engaged, and then you’ll have a candidate is at least competitive, which Biden isnt.

          You shouldnt be scared of replacing Biden. Thats like being scared of pulling over in a car with a flat tire.

            • @[email protected]
              83 months ago

              I’m not fretting about it, I think it’s fucking stupid to leave the choice with the same idiots who fucked it up to begin with

              Sure. And I agree. But I’m over it. Any one polling over 45%. I dont care any more. I just want someone who can beat Trump. Its obvious to everyone with eyes that isn’t Biden.

                • @[email protected]
                  43 months ago

                  Well, you and I are.

                  There are plenty of people here, I suggest a majority, who have deluded themselves into thinking Biden is the only possible path to beating Trump, rather than a guaranteed L.

                  This cohort is the same cohort that has effectively put us in such a dramatically weak position to beat Trump. They are the real problem and if allowed to go unchecked, will lose this election for us.

        • @[email protected]
          73 months ago

          Joe Biden will lose. There is no more disastrous option. “Who knows what will happen” is at least in the grouping of “maybe they won’t lose”.

  • AmbiguousProps
    3 months ago

    The debate isn’t even the issue. It’s the fact that we just got a king and he’s saying that we, the people who voted him in, are the only ones that can stop a dictatorship. We’re not - he literally has all of the power to save democracy and isn’t doing jack but campaign on the fall of the US

    • @[email protected]
      393 months ago

      Nothing is stopping him from Officially Acting on six Supreme Court Justice literally right now.

      • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
        163 months ago

        Except that it would be against the law, and it’s hard to contrast yourself with Trump if you are also now committing crimes (even if those crimes are for the bettering of the US). Immunity doesn’t blank your crimes from the public’s minds, and forcefully removing even bad faith Justices from the Supreme Court is not a great look when he has been campaigning on knowing “right from wrong” and respecting the rule of law.

        • noneya
          213 months ago

          I don’t get the whole “holier than thou” mentality of the Democratic party. It IS the law and we need to follow it accordingly.

          I’m not asking for Biden to execute 6 Supreme Court justices, but maybe he can throw them in jail as an “official” act.

          Stop sticking to a playbook that no longer exists. Show real fucking leadership and demonstrate why their ruling needs a second fucking look!

          • @[email protected]
            73 months ago

            As an official act, declare war on these domestic enemies of our democratic republic. Reread the Declaration of Independence again, TODAY! Of all days! Freedom has to be fought for. It takes risk and sacrifice, just as the signers risked and sacrificed. King Joe should show them what they did and disappear them using the executive powers. He doesn’t have to kill them, just capture them and their cohorts, remove them from the chess board as it is, and then as an official act, put their lies and misdeeds on display. Show why these enemies deserve their temporary fates. Then, once his reelection is secure, amend the Constitution as necessary and put better minded justices on SCOTUS who have to follow the same rules of ethics every other federal judge has to follow. Then do what Washington did by giving up the kingly authority, pledging allegiance again to the rule of law and We the People. Submit that if he committed any crime, then tell the people that he can be held accountable by a jury, beyond a reasonable doubt like any other defendant. Any decent jury would find enough reasonable doubts to never convict him and no prosecutor with any good reputation would try to prosecute him. The current SCOTUS has no faith in juries. If they did, they would let the Orange Conman face trial and prove his innocence.

          • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
            23 months ago

            They worded and ruled the way they did, because they know there is a 0% chance Biden would carry out anything he would have to declare immunity for, because he is so worried about being a “both sides” politician. And the SCOTUS didn’t make any of that “the law”, it’s still illegal, BUT the President can now claim immunity for breaking the law and nobody can do anything about it. It plays against the morals of the Left, since the Right sold their morals for power long ago.

            And Biden could certainly do something that counters this without having to break the law, and exercise this new immunity. He could be running on expanding the Court, bumping the number to 13 Justices (one Justice for each US federal circuit court), adding new qualified Judges instead of inexperienced partisan hacks. He could run on adding rules on ethics and time limits for the Court, make the members (or a staggered amount of them) do a rotation out and back to one of the 13 US federal circuit court systems every 4 years (or whatever). This would go a long way against this weaponizing of the Court with bad faith Justices that are putting Politics/$ over the country and the law, and it would be all legal.

        • @[email protected]
          183 months ago

          I’ll remember biden not executing 6 justices and letting us slide into fascism all so he can keep his optics of being the candidate that knows right from wrong. Fuck all that, biden should use his powers granted by the Supreme Court to right the ship, because when he loses this election Trump is gonna execute a lot more people and expand his power so now isn’t the time for him to be a pussy old man and use the remaining life his has to fuck shit up to stop fascism

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            If Biden executes six supreme justices, he’s the fascist.

            Fascism is already here. It officially arrived last week in a little box labeled “Pandora” and now it’s just a question of who will open it.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Historically, violence is the only way to stop fascism. But if you want to play the fascists game of just going over the lines so you don’t respond with violence, don’t be surprised when they win. If you cant see the difference between violence to fight fascism and violence that is fascism then you’re a kind of ‘both sides’ person I don’t think has what it takes to stop fascists.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                I’m not saying it’s not necessary. It is.

                Modern Dems don’t shoot first. Something extreme has to happen but executing sitting justices is probably plan C or D. They are no doubt going to try to win and be right (as far as playing by the old rules will allow) first, and if they even try to toe the line of the dark side, it will be a Hail Mary at the last minute. Likely in the buyers remorse/lame duck period.

                Edit: Dems see it as the nuclear option that it is. Republicans see it as a bubble-hearth with no cooldown.

        • AmbiguousProps
          3 months ago

          Trump is legit about to have those powers, and the only way to get that to not happen is for Biden to do something first. He will lose the public’s vote if he doesn’t (and he won’t, so he’ll send us straight into the Trump Kingdom). The time to play hardball with these scumbags was long ago, and he’s still using the kid gloves.

          The GOP won’t use kid gloves next year.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        The presidency gained expanded immunity not expanded powers. He can give the CIA illegal orders without fear of prosecution, but the CIA is not bound to follow them.

        That’s the key difference in how this change impacts a Biden Presidency, and how it would impact a Trump presidency. Biden has surrounded himself with people who respect the law, while Trump will surround himself with criminals, lackies, and cultists.

  • @[email protected]
    453 months ago

    Changing candidates now is a terrible Idea. Who is proposed to replace him? None of these articles posit a different candidate, just not Biden. Ridiculous

      • Omega
        273 months ago

        Anyone else is a popular choice. Everyone loves anyone else. That is, until you name anyone else.

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker, and Shapiro are the most common potential replacements I’ve seen floated.

      • @[email protected]
        193 months ago

        Realistically it would be harris or newsom, and they are both as unpopular as biden. Obviously they are mentally sharper but have other baggage.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          I don’t understand why we feel so entitled to primaries. We don’t get to choose who runs in the primaries. It’s really more like an opinion poll and the party decides whether or not to listen to the opinion. AlwaysHasBeen.jpg.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        As a conservative independent I don’t want someone who’s in politics to politic. I’d rather have people who have strong beliefs, even if I disagree. Give me AOC or Warren.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        And which of them are have stated that they intend to run for president? Either go with what we have or don’t go. Those are your options.

    • @[email protected]
      113 months ago

      Michele Obama is the only one consistently beating Trump in polls. Not that I want Obama v2, but that’s where it stands currently.

      Done properly, a replacement would get a big bump with the nomination, but that’s not much to count on.

      Jon Stewart would probably wipe the floor with Trump if anyone can figure out how to draft him.

        • @Fah_Q
          3 months ago

          Removed by mod

        • @[email protected]
          73 months ago

          To be fair, in normal times I would want him doing just that. He has no experience in government or campaigning. But right now, beating Trump is all that matters.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          And thats the reson people like him. He tells the truth about everyone instead of pretending the threat of a facist is a good reason to sweep all issues with your candidate under the rug and lie.

          Considering how slow walking biden to the convention has been going lately it seems he was right.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            My point is that he isn’t interested in being a leader. He would rather make the easy jokes, and I’ve lost a ton of respect for him.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      The people voting for democrats are going to vote for whoever is on the ballot. Same applies for the die-hard republicans. It’s the independents who decide the vote and many of them are now considering Trump. I’d argue that to whoever Trump isn’t the obvious first choice pretty much anyone else but Biden would be a more compelling candidate. They know what they’re going to get with both Trump and Biden. How much worse could they realistically be if we just pick a random dude from the street and nominate them instead?

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      I don’t think an alternate candidate this late in the race is a good idea, and I wonder why you do?

      • @[email protected]
        93 months ago

        If biden dropped out now, and any of the other prospective candidates who’ve been mentioned recently (except kamala), I’d be way more energized and excited about this election. Way more. And I’m not the only one either.

        Both biden and trump should not be our candidates for president.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Legally, at this point, Kamala is the only person who can take over Joe’s election war chest.

          And remember, laws still apply to democrats, so we’re kind of fucked.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Most countries don’t have 13 year election cycles. The UK just had an election in under two months. What makes you think it’s late? Americans, man.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        It’s been a week since the debate. If Biden was really as fine as everyone claims, it should have been a simple thing for him to make a public appearance and show everyone that he’s fine. Instead, it’s been a week of private meetings and “bro, we swear, bro, he’s fine, it was just one bad debate, bro, c’mon”. Afaik, the only public speaking he’s done since was a radio show where he went on and said he was proud to have been the first black woman to serve in the white house or something.

        So, for my part, my singular concern is this: is Biden up to the task of being on the campaign trail to stop Trump from winning? So far, it’s looking like no. It’s looking like we’re going to get a bunch of surrogate speakers and excuses why Biden couldn’t be here or there. I just don’t want Trump to win, and I don’t think that running a campaign with a guy who’s seemingly too frail to be a Wal-Mart greeter is going to be the secret sauce.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Dude was obviously sick, but yeah I’m sure you’d go on a speaking tour feeling under the weather at 82… 🙄

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            I can buy that he was sick, but I wish the democrats had done something to temper expectations besides load Biden full of robotussin and let fate take him.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Dems showed us in 2016 when they screwed Bernie and set the country on course for this madness. It completely comes down to Hillary and the establishment back in 2016, and keeping forever establishment candidates in isn’t going to win anyone over.

      They screwed us hard because she thought it was her turn, and now Biden is making the same error.

      Republicans didn’t like Trump at first either but they saw how popular he was and didn’t undermine their supporters atleast…

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      This is a very naive take, but my hope is that democrat keep getting big wins for the next couple decades, forcing Republican Party to parish and us being treated to new party/s on the main spotlight that are ACTUALLY LEFT

      Edit: I am saying that my take is naive. I should have said something like “I’m naively hopeful” or something along those lines

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        This is the naive take. Been voting since '08, almost exclusively Democrat. The centrist/corporatist democrats who dominate the party really get off on running against fascists, because it’s like being in a political fast food diet. You don’t have to really prepare or deliver complex policy goals, you don’t have to piss off your corporate donors, you just stand next to the fascists and say “we’re not them; you don’t want fascists running the country, do you?!” Problem being that fear only gets you so far before people stop responding to it, the fascists win an election, people get scared again, and the democrats get another big shot of engagement and fundraising basically for free.

        The centrist democrats don’t want to move left and frequently work to shut down actual left politicians in and outside the party. They don’t want to stop fascism because then they have to actually work and compete instead of let fear do the work for them

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Biden had 1 long-shot chance to bridge echo-chambers and show the country he can lead. To reach those undecided swing-state voters.

    It’s why he took this debate. Because he was already losing them.

    And he blew it to such a catastrophic level it’s not impacting congressional down-ballot races already.

    Fun fact: Biden now shares the title of Ford, Carter, HW Bush, and Trump who were incumbent presidents who trailed in polls both before and after the first debate… All of whom lost reelection.

  • @[email protected]
    233 months ago

    Trump literally just has to throw some insults and jokes out there and he can avoid questions with no backlash. If an insurrection didn’t damage him I don’t know what will, Biden’s issue is his own problem of people seeing him not being mentally sharp in real time so all the smoke and mirror are gone.

    There is no real way to undo the damage here. Should people pick him over Trump yes. It is going to be hard when his admin so far has nothing but gain apathy towards him and the only people doing fine are his rich/well off donor base.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      The next debate is exactly the way to undo the damage here. If Biden comes out strong this goes the other way real fast.

  • @[email protected]
    113 months ago

    Bro that was beyond a “screw up”. He let his challenger say shit like “they are aborting kindergarteners”, unchallenged. Trump knew instantly he had it in the bag as soon as Biden started farting out words.

  • BuckFigotstheThird
    13 months ago

    Ok, so I’ll just vote for the proven pedophile, traitor, racist, transphobe and convicted felon. /s

    Get this garbage outta here. Fuck Trump.