• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I am as enthusiastic about replacing Biden as the nominee as anyone for so many reasons. But could the press devote just a portion of the attention currently covering the ‘oh look, Joe farted!’ beat to dissecting the pathologically misleading, violent and un-American rhetoric broadcasting at full volume from nearly every Republican party orifice every day? Like, the stakes are really high here. If not for the sake of our democracy, then just cover their fascism from a pure self-preservation point of view. And when I say ‘self preservation’, I don’t just mean preserving their press careers (which are absolutely in danger if authoritarian fascists take full control). I’m talking about preserving their very lives since reporters tend to be pretty big targets for violence in fascist states. Wake up, this isn’t just some horse race media cycle bullshit people.

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        The oligarchy and their vassal corporations — including essentially all mainstream media — want fascism. Real journalists do not, but journalism is essentially dead thanks to capitalism and the internet.

  • @[email protected]
    146 months ago

    I hope Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse comes out publically in favor of Biden backing out of the race, just so we have the “White House spars with Whitehouse” headline.

  • @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    Yes, Alex, “what is the Streisand Effect?”

    For real though, I hadn’t heard anything about Parkinson’s crap until a day or two ago, and I tend to keep my ear pretty close to the ground. If that’s an actual thing he’s dealing with… that’s a disqualification imo. Even moreso now that his interview on Friday seems to have unintentionally revealed how big a role his ego and hubris seems to be playing in his refusal to even seriously address the very real and legitimate concerns people are expressing (and that his campaign is aggressively, though unsuccessfully, attempting to dismiss outright, despite some concerning evidence to the contrary.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    Christ. Biden’s already lost. The stink on him will not wash off. He is leagues better than trump, but no amount of downvoting is going to convince independents in the like 7 states that are gonna elect the next prez.

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    Read the article, but tldr:

    Reporters grilled press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during a press briefing over reports that indicated visitor logs showed a neurologist specializing in Parkinson’s disease was at the White House eight times over an eight month period, including for a meeting with presidential physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor.

    Monthly visits and one with Biden’s doc.

    Still zero clarification for whatever answer Biden was trying to give on Fridays interview about how often he gets a neurological exam though.

    If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s about 8 minutes in:


  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    The question as asked would be a simple and emphatic “no. He didn’t meet with a Parkinson’s specialist for his own medical needs”.

    He did recently sign Parkinson’s orders which would perfectly align with the visits. But they won’t say that. And as a press secretary if that was the issue you take an issue that is gripping the news cycle and answer it with a spotlight on a very positive news story! Why would you hide that?! You wouldn’t.

    I’ve hated basically all press secretaries for the past 10 years. They all suck and lie. It’s shameful. There’s a difference between spin and propagandist/bold-face lies. They are in bold face lying territory.

  • @[email protected]
    26 months ago

    I’m going to start downvoting these until I see the media cover Trump’s flaws as well

  • @[email protected]
    16 months ago

    The longer this goes on, the more it gets to look like something is being hidden, but think about it…
    Officials would never publicly say that the leader of the free world is not quite fully in charge. Bad actor foreign governments would be all over that like a pack of wolves, and who knows what they might try.