Saying Aafrica twice messes with the pacing/delivery to me. Maybe it should just say “I blessed the rains.”
Or change the set up “Have you forgotten what happened in Kenya?”
I swear if this is a rickroll
Okay, it’s not a rickroll, it’s pretty swell actually
Only in Kenya.
What do you mean by what?
What happened in Kenya?
So by changing the set up to say Kenya, rather than Africa you obfuscate the punchline somewhat.
True, and you might set up for a bonus DEEZ NUTS joke, as well
I know the song thanks.
The point is everyone knows it, that’s why the joke lands. So saying “I blessed the rains” is enough that they’ll piece it together. Trust the audience a bit > saying Aafrica twice
i get what you mean.
“Have you forgotten what happened down in Aafrika?”
“I blessed the rain”
would have been a better punchline, but it’s still really good
Yeah that’s all I’m saying lol it’d be stronger. Joke’s still funny of course
tbf, I instinctually know Dunuh duh duh dunuh duh DUH, and the lyrics not as much.
making dad jokes? you better believe that’s a pa-ladin.
Okay yep a paladin named Pa that tells dad jokes is now on my character list
Pronounce it like Aladdin
Why are they calling it Aafrica? Or is that just part of the other typos / spelling errors?
This is likely because in the song from which this meme is riffing of of, Africa is sung with an elongated “a” like “aaaafrica”
That’d be pronounced like Ehfrika
Dammit, Āfrica?
I assumed because Africa doesn’t exist on Toril.
It’s a reference to Toto’s song “Africa”, and in the line “I bless the rains down in Africa” the “A” gets extended a lot.
They did it twice so it seems intentional. Beats me though.
I didn’t even see the second one fully, as it was behind an icon. Thanks for spotting that one for me
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You arrive in a new town where everyone thinks they’re in charge, and they each use a funny accent to assert themselves. The sign at the front gate reads “Welcome to Bosston”
Anyone else read that as Jackie Daytona?
Must be bot?
Why would a bot get that wrong? Everyone blames everything slightly odd on bits nowadays…
I think its a byte difference.
Maybe half a byte, like a nibble
Not sure, just question.
…and from a single meme we see the great divide between Gen X/Millenials and Gen Z. Poor Toto!
Poor guy. Hope he finds his way back to Kansas.
There’ll be peace when he is done.
What a great Weezer song.
Millenial here. I genuinely like the Weezer version better. I like the heavier guitar and I’m not a huge fan of the way the synth was implemented in the original.
Man, I’ve heard this one as “I blessed the rains down in Ravnica”
new plot hook for my vampire the masquerade game featuring the celetial chorus from the mage the ascension series.
wish there was music
@[email protected] dada dadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaa