The cops seriously dropped the ball on this. The owner of the property Robert lived on was a popular party spot and it was an open secret that he was doing sketchy shit. So much evidence got destroyed or lost before the police finally bothered to do something. I highly recommend the Last Podcast episodes on it.
He only received second degree murder conviction. What the hell Canada? What would it take to get a first degree conviction?
Jury probably didnt believe there was enough evidence to prove it was premeditated murder.
The cops seriously dropped the ball on this. The owner of the property Robert lived on was a popular party spot and it was an open secret that he was doing sketchy shit. So much evidence got destroyed or lost before the police finally bothered to do something. I highly recommend the Last Podcast episodes on it.
Morbid: A True Crime Podcast did a deep dive into him. It was like 3 episodes long. It was well done.
You’re right. We should look to the US which obviously has all their shit together.