Conversely, can the republicans of Lemmy say just ONE nice thing about Joe Biden?

  • LinusWorks4Mo
    251 year ago

    Trump reminded us that an authoritarian government ending democracy can be just one election away

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    While he set race relations back 30 years, and antivaxed his base killing millions extra, and shared nuclear defense secrets with his international “friends”, he could have been a lot worse if he had his shit together.

    There could have been a real civil war, he could have unleashed worse executive orders, he could have pardoned and helped his followers who went to jail for him and made him a true hero for the base. He was inches from making the moderate right go, you know, he’s not so bad, while pummeling non Christian non white people into the dirt and labeling them enemies.

    If someone picks up his playbook, follows his rhetoric, and actually manages to present as nice and valiant to his base… The US is fucked.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      In that movie, he tells Kevin to go down the hall and to the left. Kevin turns right and reaches his destination. Trump had one line, and it was a lie.

  • TigrisMorte
    81 year ago

    The idiots, Racist, and Fascists were finally blatant enough during 45’s Administration that the enlightened Centrists could no longer deny what was happening.

  • Izzy
    71 year ago

    There was that whole medical bill transparency thing, but who knows what the guy actually did beyond signing a document and likely not even reading it.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    He showcased that our forefathers assumed a person running for president was serving out of duty or loyalty. That they are thinking about the greater good.

    And Mr. Trump reminded us that shitty human beings do exist. That 95% of people want to do good for others. What “good” means is in the eyes of the beholder.

    But that 5%, the percentage that only cares about themselves? They truly exist. And thank you Trump for reminding us that pieces of shit like you need to be stamped out.

  • Dharma Curious
    51 year ago

    Not a Democrat, but: He signed the CBD/hemp bill. That was alright.

    Not a Republican, but: he has made an appearance of capitulating to some of the left. It’s a show, and he intentionally chose to do so when he knew it wouldn’t pass, but it has made some of the idea more popular in the mainstream of the Democratic party, and will hopefully get them passed eventually.