Make sure they stick out a bit on the top. The capillary acton from the tightly packed spahetti draws the wine up so you can drink it.
why not just drink from the bottle then?
That’s highly undignified.
Says who?
Says the person using fucking spaghetti to drink it.
LPT: “drunk spaghetti” are actually delicious.
Boil a pound of spaghetti in salt water for a moment till they’re half-way done. Then dump the water, pour a bottle of cheap red wine into the pot, and cook them in the wine until they’ve soaked it all up. Salt and pepper to taste, also goes great with cloves and a bit of chili.
The alcohol evaporates during cooking and it doesn’t really taste like wine anymore, but very savoury.In the mid-2000’s before I knew how to cook well, I followed an online recipe for bourbon chicken that included real bourbon. I think I followed the directions perfectly. The chicken tasted like straight whiskey (not good at all), and me and my date got drunk off of chicken. Maybe there was an error somewhere.
You go straight from “no wine glass” to drinking via capillary action using spaghetti?? Dude, have some class and drink out of a measuring cup or small sauce pan first at least.
Have a bowl of wine with dinner!
OP will freak out when they hear about straws
Sir. It’s wine, not a milkshake. Have some class.
okay so a titanium boba straw then
made by Ferrari
You’re the one drinking wine through the world’s worst straw.
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