Right now, I’m playing the early access version of Baldurs Gate 3. I’m getting ready to put it down (frustrated: BG3 has the potential to be good, but without controller support, I’m getting really frustrated with the UI. ) and switch to Yakuza Like a Dragon.
What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing next?
Yeah, baby! Somebody point me in the direction of another Steam Deck subre-… Channel?
I’ve been playing lots of Street Fighter 6, but also Metroidvania indies. Currently playing through They Always Run and it’s pretty much pixel 2d Mandalorian and it’s pretty damn cool!
I think the word you are looking for in “community”.
[email protected] looks pretty active
Usually Indies, a lot of slay the spire recently, but I’ve just started Street Fighter VI.
Tempted by System Shock next cos I never played the original.
The system shock remake is honestly one of the best games of the year, even while being a remake.
So I hear! Hyped.
I have 400 steam games, a Series X, a PS5, a Switch OLED, a gaming PC, but I spend most of my time playing Brotato on my Steam Deck.
TOTK! Runs great via some of the latest Yuzu updates.
Also Pizza Tower and a bit of PGA 2K21 here and there.
I’ve been playing Spiritfarer and Forza Horizon 4 on mine as of late.
Recently set up EmuDeck, so the real question is what am I not playing? Jokes aside, currently taking a break from the Deck for D4 (wanted better graphics and smoother framerate so I went with PS5). Will probably grab it on PC when there’s a sale just to be able to play it on the go… well, wherever wifi is available.
Other than that it’s been mostly “Fuck Around With Tweaking the OS and Settings to Get Games Just Right and Then Never Actually Play Them” Simulator. Windows 11 runs surprisingly smooth off of just a MicroSD card.
Playing Cyberpunk and Ace Combat.
As a toddler+newborn dad I flat out need the option of playing on TV or in bed, and instantly flipping on or off.
I honestly never dreamed of something like this when I grew up gaming on Windows 95+. Can’t wait 'til I can game with my sons.
Not the same games but exact same vibe. Need to be able to turn it off literally minutes after I start. Can’t wait to game with the kids. I want them to be older already but also not yet.
Careful what you wish for. All my kids play is the Roblox SDK to design train games lol. Ok I guess we do rock the occasional Mario Cart 😁
I’ve been playing the games from the most recent humble bundle, eternal threads was a big surprise! It’s really good!
Just wondering, has anyone tried installing windows on it? From my experience using with dual boot, windows give much more fps stability like not getting mini lag etc. on games.
I’m more curious how many are running SteamOS vs Windows to get an idea of how good proton support for titles is.
Just started playing Persona 5 Royal. I’ve got a ton of looong RPGs installed, and nowhere close to enough free time for them.
Is it any good? Was thinking of trying it out.
I’m not that deep into it yet. I’ve heard great things though, and I’m really enjoying it so far. I haven’t been tempted to bail in favor of another Disco Elysium playthrough yet.
It was fantastic, one of my favorite games!
I pre-ordered the Deck way back on day 1 with the expectation that it would be a good emulation handheld, non-demanding indies, and Civ VI device, and that any modern gaming it ends up doing besides that would be gravy.
Proton turned out to be far more compatible than I ever imagined.
Still, I mostly do emulation, indies, and low-graphic strategy games, because anything with serious visuals, I don’t want to play on handheld. But it is great to be able to continue whatever strategy or RPG savegame I’ve got going when I travel.
The steam decks power is just slightly lower than my desktop. I am still using an rx 470 4gb, so I think I would be so happy with a steam deck. I am not really playing anything too demanding anyway.
HiFi rush and Dinkum (coop w/ the fam).
I’m playing Hi-Fi rush as well. Nice to see a decent xbox game for the first time in what feels like forever.
I started Hi-Fi rush on the PC but moved to the deck and it was a great experience. I had to fiddle a bit with video settings but otherwise I enjoyed it a lot.
I have been playing a lot of BotW and DRG on it. Playing BotW on it is amazing, for DRG or mainly any shooter on it there is the problem of me not being used to aim with the gyro properly yet.
I have one, mostly play Stardew and Brawhalla coop on it. Occasionally some Wreckfest or Sonic All-Stars Racing.