People desperately underestimate the value of one’s time. It was a hard lesson to learn.
Same. Spent hundreds and hundreds in hours of destiny, just to be kicked down the power cap every year or so. I’m still not even good at it. Spent similar amounts of time in other grindy games like Minecraft and terraria. If you like playing videogames, that’s fine, but eventually a switch flipped in my mind and realized it was all for naught. I didn’t have any new skills, I never progressed in any of my hobbies, I didn’t make anything.
I still play with friends and enjoy the occasional singleplayer game, but I never participate in grindfests anymore. Just a waste of time.
What do you think is the relationship between “currency” and “product”?
You pay it to get the product?
I don’t think that there is a direct reationship between a specific “product” and a specific “currency,” though. Like, what is the product of the dollar? Or the Yen, or Euro? Any product you want. That’s the definition of currency, you can exchange it for any product.
At the risk of being tautological, the product you get in exchange for time is any product you can get in exchange for time. Maybe it’s something you make yourself, or maybe it’s value you derive from waiting for something, or maybe it’s a skill you develop through practice. Maybe it’s the mental or physical health gained from rest. Those are all “products” of time spent.
Time is the coin of your Life.
It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
And when you spend it, spend it wisely so that you get the most for your expenditure.
~Carl Sandburg
Time is a currency. The product is literally everything we have right now.
… Anything? That’s… That’s what currency is?
You can spend it on whatever you want…
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There’s not much distinction between currency and product is there? Most products are just other forms of currency - eg, goods can be sold back for money. Services usually save you time. So when you say product, you just mean what is time exhanged for?
The most common product of time is probably money, the next most ubiquitous type of currency. But then there are also more abstract things like enjoyment, knowledge, rest.
“Thy rod and staff shine as a thousand shekels among the stars and dwindle to nothingness with a poor cost to goods ratio”-Clymiditres
I play EvE online and have done the whole player/corp/guild managment thing and we had a phrase.
“The game has 4 currencies Time, Money, Content and Trust. You can buy 3 of them”
In your context, times currency is a represention of existing. If you choose to spend it wisely is up to you. And we’re out here shooting the shit on Lemmy… so… Yah…
The present
Ones freedom to move around their general geographical region.